Lighting First Grow Auto Cobb 55w Mephisto No Till

A little curling isn't always a bad thing. Same as a little tip burn on the leaves. You know your giving them enough. As for height it's tough to give one number. Every plant, strain and age is different. If the curling wasn't to bad I'd leave it or maybe go up a touch

Okay sounds good I thought so but i didnt want to push to them to hard my leaves look a lot better since moving them up a little bit.
is that purslane coming up in the pots?, good to see weeds coming up with the weed

Yes, it is bro! I'm loving the cover crop. I got it from BAS, I'm loving BAS right now everything was a score

I'm jealous of your worms, lol, no earthworms in the Arctic, yet, maybe with climate change

LOL Maybe with the climate change

I'm such a dirt bag, your soil build is kinda mystifying to me, but the fact you ain't killing your worms says, all's well. Good going grobro!

Thanks bro! Yeah that's my main goal feed the worms, the worms feed the soil, the soil feeds mary!