Lighting First Grow Auto Cobb 55w Mephisto No Till

Organic soil is definitely in the future. It's so amazing watching the plants grow and do it so well with just additives in the soil. What's good for you is the next grows will be better and better. Your nutrients are ironed out for the most part but you will learn how to push the plants more too. Then the lighting which I tell everyone is a bit of a learning curve as well.

As for the height of the lights I wouldn't go much less than 20 inches. I only say that because yours look great now at 22. I have seen other plants look stressed 36 so it is best to adjust to the plants and not just a number.
Organic soil is definitely in the future. It's so amazing watching the plants grow and do it so well with just additives in the soil. What's good for you is the next grows will be better and better. Your nutrients are ironed out for the most part but you will learn how to push the plants more too. Then the lighting which I tell everyone is a bit of a learning curve as well.

As for the height of the lights I wouldn't go much less than 20 inches. I only say that because yours look great now at 22. I have seen other plants look stressed 36 so it is best to adjust to the plants and not just a number.

I can't wait for the numbers big smo pulls under organic growing! Yeah that's the main reason I went Organic to eliminate a lot of the learning curve from nutes. I'm still figuring the sweet spot on lights and the plants so I'm looking forward to my next couple grows.
3 Bears OG

@BigSm0 Is the yellowing a light burn ?


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To me, it looks like they are getting burned, they seem to be twisting and turning, getting lighter. Also if you have a fan aimed at them, that might be adding to it as well, but ever so slightly.

Will let the pros chime in on this one, but it looks familiar!
To me, it looks like they are getting burned, they seem to be twisting and turning, getting lighter. Also if you have a fan aimed at them, that might be adding to it as well, but ever so slightly.

Will let the pros chime in on this one, but it looks familiar!

The twisting and turning is me. I lowered my light yesterday. I think they got a little burn I bushed them out a little bit raised the lights a inch or two I think they responded nicely.