Lighting First Grow Auto Cobb 55w Mephisto No Till

Alright this is looking good so far :cheers: you have a lot going on with your grow that is eerily similar to mine. First time indoor for me, and going organic with teas for feed. Oh yea, and four autocobs as well.

Big fan of cover crops :headbang:

Gonna have to pull up a chair and chill for a while :pass:
Method 1 pps for ipm management courtesy to my brother @Evil-Mobo worked really well Iover watered in the begining and I had a fungas gnat infestion the method 1 got rid of 95% of gnats in a few days I only see one or two here and there but nothing in my soil.

Here's my soil base

Base Soil:

  • 2 CuFt Sphagnum moss
  • 1 CuFt Pumice lava rock
  • 1 CuFt Modern Beginning charged Biochar
  • 1 CuFt Rice Hulls
  • 2 CuFt Humus composed of 1/3 Compost and 2/3 EWC, and
  • comfrey, nettle, dandelion
Nutrients included in the soil:

  • (Per cu.Ft of Base Soil)
  • 1/2 cup organic Neem meal
  • 1/2 cup organic Kelp meal
  • 1/2 cup organic Crustacean meal
  • 1/2 cup organic insect frass
  • 1/3 cup Gro-Kashi
  • 1/3 cup Karanja Meal
  • 1/4 cup of fish bone meal
  • 1/16th cup of Modern Microbes
  • 3 cups of some Rock/Mineral Mix
  • (Rock/Mineral Mix)
  • 2 part Oyster Shell Flour
  • 2 part Gypsum
  • 1 parts Glacial Rock Dust
  • 1 part Basalt
  • 1 part Calcium Bentonite

Hey man what's that IPM you used for the gnats? I just started to get some buggers moving about and have some karanja and neem oil ready for em. Any other suggestions?

Soil base looks solid. Did you give it a cook or plant straight into it?
Alright this is looking good so far :cheers: you have a lot going on with your grow that is eerily similar to mine. First time indoor for me, and going organic with teas for feed. Oh yea, and four autocobs as well.

Big fan of cover crops :headbang:

Gonna have to pull up a chair and chill for a while :pass:

Thanks neb!! Auto cobs, cover crop, good soil, and worms at work! What else could Mary ask for? Yeah I think autocobs and no till organics is a no brainer. I wanted something easy an simple. It just so happens to be the most natural is the most simple ?

Neb I used build a soils modern mix 2.0 malibu compost Ill post a link at the bottom. I'm lazy as I didn't want to mix my own lol It comes pre cooked I let mine cook for a few days before I planted.
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Thanks @Rebel @Evil-Mobo I appreciate it! Phresh filters it is !
I cheaped out but have heard nothing but great stuff from this company's filters. It was amazon for me and ipower doesn't make the best filters.

@Evil-Mobo that stuff looks great. I got a kick out of the 50gallon cost