New Grower First grow and new to the network...

Ha ha! I had no idea what I was in for LOL.
I don’t think I’d do as well as you’re doing. Last grow stressed me out with the choir and the ph and the drowned plants. Luckily I chose a pretty easy medium this time so things are running smoothly. Very easy grow so far. If I were doing what you’re doing I’d be stressed out I think. You just handle it. Good for you.
Very well said! Too many conflicting ideas out there, just do you, and see what works best in your situation. All plants react different, and the fun part has been learning and figuring out what they’re telling you and why. You’re doing an outstanding job DG and will be sitting on a nice stockpile of herbs in no time at all!

Easy Smoking! [emoji869]

Thanks Luepke42!

Those buds are really fattening up, DG! Coming along nicely, and looking very frosty!

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Thanks Irie, really excited for the next couple weeks.
I saw you post somewhere else and I just wanted to come say hello. Awesome grow!!
I'm going to offer a thought about the cobs. They are very intense lights and the one plant in front may be a bit too close to the light. I did the same things, the buds show a more rounded/flat top instead of pointy. Usually just light intensity. It isnt all bad, creates really dense buds! Maybe 16 to 18 inches, 14 just seems too close for autocobs.
Only a little bit, those are going to be serious buds! The one run I did had some of the hardest buds I ever grew