New Grower First grow and new to the network...

Monster session in the tent. Actually worked up a sweat.

Did the weekly reservoir change for my GC northern lights 1 and 2. I increased their nutrients to half strength, we’ll see how they do with that. Their ppms are in the 400s. They are 20 days old today. I LST’d them, just the main stalk. No signs of preflowering but it’s a little early still.

GG - well, GG is taking up the tent. Literally blocking the lights from the NL ladies. And her height is taking off. She has been drinking a gallon a day for the past week. And I may have been too modest with her half strength feeding. The last few days I’ve been adding back half strength nutes but her ppm’s stay in the 400s. No signs of deficiencies - she’s been growing exponentially and her leaves are beautiful - but I’ve been spraying the @&$# out of her with Overgrow every other day. I’d rather she gets her nutes from the bucket. I’ll start her at 3/4 strength when I change the reservoir on Wednesday unless anyone has better advice. After that I’ll keep increasing what I add back by 10% a day until her leaf tips bark at me. I think I got that right.

I had to do something about her unruliness. Her height is still OK (for today) but horizontally we’re in trouble. Even so, I supercropped the hell out of her. I’m so glad I did because my fingertips were about as beat up as she was by the end. If I waited she probably would have been too thick to soften. She softened nicely with no breaks, which is a blessing as my paraffin tape won’t arrive until tomorrow. My plan was to defoliate as well for air flow but that’ll have to wait until tomorrow. She and I were both exhausted.

When I get the new tent, my plan has changed to letting her have the whole tent to herself ~ the new one, with the cobs, and switch to 12/12 then. I’d sure love to have a huge yield on my first grow. And athe rate she is going, she may well fill the whole thing herself.

I got a new toy. A better humidifer. It holds more water and I can set it to stop humidifying when it reaches a certain number. My humidity now ranges from 30 to about 65 then back down again when she runs out of water. I’m thinking 55 is a good setpoint?. I’ll wait to set it up until the new tent comes.

The time has come to start using half tap water and half RO water as @Mañ'O'Green suggested. This past week I’ve brought in 25 gallons of RO water. I know I can solve the chlorine problem by aerating the tap water and letting it sit for 24 hours. But I’m concerned about the chloramine. I have campden tablets I can use, but I’m not sure if I should adjust any nutrients because of them. Does anyone have any experience using them?

That’s all for today LOL.
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Ascorbic acid will neutralize Chloramine. You are looking for ascorbic acid vitamin C. The store brand is usually the cheapest without other stuff added in. 50mg per gallon will treat water with 3.8 PPM of chloramines.
@davisgirl greetings. Got my autocobs today. You will definitely like them. They are amazingly bright and you can hang them exactly where you want them. I think the 2 autocobs and 1 triple chip LED per 3x3 tent is gonna be perfect for my soil grows. I may think about hydroponic in the near future, but I’m a farmer who’s grown in dirt his whole life, it what I know lol. Can’t wait to see your new tent. I would have preferred the white interior also, didn’t even know it was an option. I guess amazon doesn’t really have EVERYTHING lol!
@davisgirl greetings. Got my autocobs today. You will definitely like them. They are amazingly bright and you can hang them exactly where you want them. I think the 2 autocobs and 1 triple chip LED per 3x3 tent is gonna be perfect for my soil grows. I may think about hydroponic in the near future, but I’m a farmer who’s grown in dirt his whole life, it what I know lol. Can’t wait to see your new tent. I would have preferred the white interior also, didn’t even know it was an option. I guess amazon doesn’t really have EVERYTHING lol!

Awesome! So excited for you, and your ladies. They will be loving the light.

Hey, if soil is what you know, then stick with for at least a couple grows. I’m sticking with DWC for the foreseeable future (despite the fact I’ve been flailing about) because 1) I want to master it, and 2) I have an investment in the equipment. And there are enough variables for me to keep track of without throwing a medium change into the mix.

Amazon does have a white interior 4x4 at a decent price. I went with the other brand, despite the expense, because of the reputation.

I want to see a pic of your space when it’s all set up!
Awesome! So excited for you, and your ladies. They will be loving the light.

Hey, if soil is what you know, then stick with for at least a couple grows. I’m sticking with DWC for the foreseeable future (despite the fact I’ve been flailing about) because 1) I want to master it, and 2) I have an investment in the equipment. And there are enough variables for me to keep track of without throwing a medium change into the mix.

Amazon does have a white interior 4x4 at a decent price. I went with the other brand, despite the expense, because of the reputation.

I want to see a pic of your space when it’s all set up!
Thanks for the Amazon heads up. I think 4x4 gonna be a lil too big without moving a wall, but I’ll see what I can manage. I have a pic of the 2 tents with the new autocobs I posted on my thread a lil while ago. Sorry I don’t know how to add a link to it, I’m not real tech saavy. Sometimes I have a real hard time navigating this site even lol.
Thanks for the Amazon heads up. I think 4x4 gonna be a lil too big without moving a wall, but I’ll see what I can manage. I have a pic of the 2 tents with the new autocobs I posted on my thread a lil while ago. Sorry I don’t know how to add a link to it, I’m not real tech saavy. Sometimes I have a real hard time navigating this site even lol.
First Log into your AFN account then go to the page you want to link and highlight the URL and copy it (Ctrl+C) >
ScreenHunter_142 Nov. 05 13.29.jpg

Then Go to your profile and open your "Signature"

ScreenHunter_142 Nov. 05 13.28.jpg

Type in a name for the link and highlight it:

ScreenHunter_143 Nov. 05 13.30.jpg

Click on the link symbol (chain) and paste the link (Ctrl+V) in the URL line and click insert:

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Then save your signature and go to a post that you already made and test the link. It should take you there.
