First ever grow. Promix HP THC bomb auto 600w hps.

I got a busy whose trying to upgrade so I might get to buy his 10x10 tent and his raptor 8s I benefits he said they were? Those any good? Anyone heard of them?
Only things that worries me about the big tent is it comes with a big electricity bill. Lol. I'm more than confident I could fill it and have a monster harvest of autos but running 4 1000s or even 4 600hps would b crazy expensive
No possibility of deficiencies this early my friend. Still way too early for that. If you have any deficiencies it will be during heavy growth when the plant is gaining a few inches a day or when she transitions into flower. Those are the most nutrient intense parts of the grow.

So, what is the small spot you are asking. If I had to guess I would say the leaf got a drop of clonex on it or it may have got in the soil and picked up a little bit of burn. You won't see it but when the lights go out in your tent the plant will relax, the leaves will droop and the lower ones have a tendency of drooping on the soil. When the lights come back on the leaves will perk back up and start stretching for the light. If you put a camera in their that can record at zero lux it is amazing to watch in stop motion over a 24 hour period. The plant is truly alive and moves a lot more throughout the day and night than one would think.

@Dirt Weed Pete is doing a hyrbid organic grow. Promix, which is an inert medium with no nutrients in it except for a little liming agent to keep the pH up and for nutrients he is using Fox Farms bottled organic nutrients. I consider it hybrid because the soil isn't living. Some people will consider that organic gardening and by OMRI listing it is but a true organic grow is using living soil in my humble opinion. That is debatable among organic growers but that is just my opinion.

Promix is a composition of peat, vermiculite and perlite. In the last few months they have begun adding coco as an additive and cut back on the amount of peat. The reason being, peat is a product from Canada that can't be farmed and is strip mined for lack of a better word, and isn't sustainable. The way they harvest it is doing a pretty substantial harm to the environment so they are trying to move away from using so much peat and move to a more sustainable product such as coco husks which are much more earth friendly. I think, originally when they started they didn't consider it so damaging because the demand wasn't there for product but since legalization and availability of quality seed from the UK, demand has sky rocketed and they have reconsidered their practices. I for one am thankful to see companies take a more ethical approach and reconsider unsustainable practices. Very much unlike what the majority of companies do in the States.

Yes absolutely, sustainability is key to so many facets of our lives. I have lived outside the US for six years now on the other side of the world where the notion of sustainability is fast becoming widely accepted as part of everyday life. I do use coco fiber, carbonized rice hulls (bio char), vermicompost/castings and perlite locally & directly sourced from the producer dirt cheap....but the best part it is sustainable and helps support local farmers and industry. For example, a 50kg sack of vermicompost/castings picked up at the farm while I watch the workers sift it, bag it, and weigh it, and load it in my vehicle costs the equivalent of maybe $6 a sack. It might not sound like much of an income in the western world, but it is here....and it is sustainable.
My brother has the drops he said so I might have to test my run off using those cuz this cheap meter doesn't have a way to calibrate anything lol 10$ wasted probably lol.... I'll get with my brother and see if next watering I can check my run off with his drops.... If that works that way.... I dunno cuz the water is already discolored in the run off.... PH is only thing I'm taking shots in the dark with.... I'm looking for a more organic nutrient line that is more stable PH wise than FF trio.... I'm using the FF trio because it was free to use while my brother is taking a break from farming till winter hits.... He's an electrician with too high an electricity bill ha-ha.... I don't kno if I can get a PH reader for a while, things are tight right now as I just changed jobs and am trying to get a new home to make way for my child in the oven!! Find out what me and the wife are having in ten days!!!! :)

Hey Pete, enjoying your update posts for your 1st grow...there is a learning curve of course like anything else, but it sounds like you are moving in the right direction and asking questions. I might add that if you do go organic and learn it well, you will find your PH meter will spend most of it's time gathering dust on a shelf and the batteries go dead. Seriously, you won't need it anymore.
:meds:The ideal harvest time is when the plant gives you the effect you want. If you are a recreational user, then yes maybe the clear to slightly amber may give you the enjoyment you want. On the other hand, if you are a medical user and want relief from pain, particularly nerve pain, you want to let them go until you have at least 10-15 percent amber, many growers let them go way more than that for pain relief. True, amber trichs are the result of breakdown of THC. However, it degrades into other active components, CBD etc., which is what gives you the pain relief you are looking for. Nobody can or should say that another grower has let harvest go too long, because they do not know what effect is desired. The 100 plus days my grow took was very carefully monitored by viewing trichs with a digital microscope, then vaping the sample to see the effect. Some autos never do amber up much at all, but will give you an amber like effect, hence the actual sampling along the way. Recreational users tend to favor the heady sativa type high, while medical users tend to favor the amber indica high. Beings you chose a prodominantly indica strain and stated you wanted meds, I think you are going to be looking at the longer time period. I am no rookie grower by any means, and almost all of my grows go at least 2 weeks and usually 3-4 weeks longer than the breeder claims. Keep in mind the breeders list harvest times based on perfect growing conditions usually with hydroponics. Everybodys grow techniques will give a slightly different result and can dramaticly affect length to harvest. You will dial in your techniques that work best for you in your environment and then you will better know what to expect when comparing breeder times to harvest to what you can actually expect from your grow. You have done a great job so far, don't let someone else tell you when is the best time to harvest. You have to determine that yourself based on the goal of your growing. Sampling along the way is the only way to know if is going to give you what you are looking for. It would be a shame to have gone this far, then end up harvesting on someone elses advise and not getting the meds you are wanting. And yes, you will have to support nearly every stalk. I put a dowl into the pot and use pipe cleaners to support the branches to the dowl. Keep up the great grow, take in and mull around everyones advise, then make your own decisions on how to proceed. Best of luck.

Good advice
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Thanks for the kind words and for stopping through @slopoke and @Ryder420 all was well till my ballast just blew because I'm an idiot :( went into my grow area and noticed my bulb was white light instead of yellow so like an idiot I tried to in plug the light from the ballast because it was easier to reach, there was a spark and a loud pop and my ballast shut down. Hps seems to b OK I hope. Friends bringing a ballast over shortly and I'd that fails I'll b buying an emergency light from my other friend. Shaking my head at myself. Before I blew it though, why did my light change colors and was like white/blue instead of normal yellowish? @A4 @Heavily Medicated @Renaissance Redneck could anyone point me in the right direction? Sorry to tag you all but I don't know what's going and kinda upset. Hope I don't have to chop all three tonight, they wernt set for chop till next Wednesday 9 days away
Thanks for the kind words and for stopping through @slopoke and @Ryder420 all was well till my ballast just blew because I'm an idiot :( went into my grow area and noticed my bulb was white light instead of yellow so like an idiot I tried to in plug the light from the ballast because it was easier to reach, there was a spark and a loud pop and my ballast shut down. Hps seems to b OK I hope. Friends bringing a ballast over shortly and I'd that fails I'll b buying an emergency light from my other friend. Shaking my head at myself. Before I blew it though, why did my light change colors and was like white/blue instead of normal yellowish? @A4 @Heavily Medicated @Renaissance Redneck could anyone point me in the right direction? Sorry to tag you all but I don't know what's going and kinda upset. Hope I don't have to chop all three tonight, they wernt set for chop till next Wednesday 9 days away

Pete, can't help you much on this, my experience is in CFL, T5HO, and now LED. I would not freak though, if you have to, you can finish the girls up under CFL that can be bought about anywhere. As close as you are to harvest, you don't need a huge light to finish things up. Good luck.