First ever grow. Promix HP THC bomb auto 600w hps.

I'm putting purps everywhere next grow. ....coming to a city near you. ..haha actually I think the next grow is mostly green genetics. ...alien x triangle by lease is up here in January and we are moving in next month or two. My tent will b the first thing moved and set up. I'll have girls living in the new house before us probably haha. I'm about a month or so from my next seed drop :( I'll b lurking around still and keeping updates up. I'm addicted to reading and learning still lol love this stuff. ..can't wait to get an idea of final weight! That big girl looks promising!
Well shoot. I'm out of bud and can't find the charger to my wax I snipped a small sample to microwave real quick before work lol...shame on me...but I guess with harvest being tomorrow. ..what harm can it do? This has all been paid for and is all mine lol so screw it haha
I cheated and checked last 2 pages of this thread after seeing the PromixHP in title.. looks like I need to go to page 1 and read through! Outstanding results..
thank you very much. ...lots of me talking and asking questions lol. This is my first run ever but I liked the promix. Will b sticking with it I think. Any questions feel free to ask or PM me. I'm a noon but have learned a lot and studied super hard
Looks real nice man, I see you did get some color out of them in the end. A few purps here and there.

I am keeping an eye on you, I better not see any purps floating around my area or I know who to come see.

From what I see, you should have enough smoke to get you through at least a couple of days. Seriously though, that looks like enough to get you through another grow or two. So when is the next seed drop? Drop today, another harvest mid January. ;)

Be good, enjoy the bounty of your harvest!

Scratch what I said before. As soon as I harvest the next two after tomorrow's I will b dropping 3 alien x triangle beans that I kindly received fire the comparative grow. If worse comes to worse we have medical cards with permission to transport plants :) so when we get a place I'll just take a day off and move my whole 2x4 tent and three girls lol. Simple solution to keep things going strong :)
On so here are photos of my girl undressed and trimmed up, will b back shortly with wet weight info happy viewing.