First ever grow. Promix HP THC bomb auto 600w hps.

And now I shall give you a monster in the making...
Very nice job, for a quick dry you can try ( which was recommended to me by a member named Concieted, I knew him form a previous foreum) tieing the bud up around your heating vent provided your heat is running where your at, do this for 24 hours, the results ain't bad and will give you an Idea of what's to come...

Once again really really nice job...

I usually just take from several locations on the plant, it's easier for me to judge how much longer that way...
Leaving town for for days in a minute, will have updated when I return.... Upstate new York here I come peace and love everyone :smokeout:
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Thanks bro!! So far so good, about to be in Pennsylvania, only another 300 miles or so till destination....glad I brought my wax pen lol couple quick yokes at a stop and good to go for awhile lol
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Well the trip was fun til the ride home today.....found out our puppy was bit by a much larger dog and rushed to the vet but didn't make it. ...this is the second dog my family has lost within 6 months. ...very sad. My pregnant wife and 6yr old step son are crushed. ...I guess I just don't understand why this happened to us twice in such a short periods of time..I'm in tears writing this as we just got home and well obviously she's not here and it's hitting pretty hard. if everyone could just put one in the air for my doggy and send good vibes our way that'd b awesome. ....really need some uplifting and know I'll find it here. ...thank you everyone....