First ever grow. Promix HP THC bomb auto 600w hps.

I do kno that this will b used during the day and the night so I need that happy medium lol.... Enough to feel it, but too much and I go night night lol when I first started this new venture of growing I just went for what looked pretty, yielded good and has high THC content. Now that I've been studying and have my first grow in I'm going to b trying to dial in on what exactly I want off my grow and smoke.... What's the best way to test it if I don't have access to a vaporizer? Microwave and a glass bowl when it's done in there?
I've found that the very quick dries are not enjoyable at all and yield a crappy product to the point where it's not a true indication of where the buds would be if given time to dry properly. The best results for a quick dry I've found to be is to put them in a shoebox or a paper bag(smaller nuggets like popcorn work the best here) and then I put them above my t5 lights in my closet( right on top will dry faster. 12 hours or less will do it, that is an ok way of doing it but the best for a quicker dry is to put them about a foot above my lights, this take 12-24 hours or so.)
My point is if you fry them it won't give you a good indication at all, so if you can achieve a day at least or 2 days dry will give you better indication of where's its at in my experience.
Thanks @Heavily Medicated !!!! Well said and much appreciated my friend. I'm not quite fully sure what I want at this point so my only option is to sample until I like what I'm trying and maybe pull them at different times to get different effects. I was speaking with my brother and I'm also curious if sometimes the recommended harvest time given by companies, give or take a week, is actually relative to the high that the strain was bred for originally? If that makes sense
Some strains are indeed bred for a specific use, medicinal, hash plants, etc. I try to grow as many different strains as my setup allows, I keep a personal journal of my grows so when I do pick a strain I want to grow again, I have the referance from my last grow to follow or make adjustments from. With autos, there seems to be no "pure" strains, as I have found most strains have 3 different phenotypes that may be expressed. Each pheno can give a totally different grow. With my auto THC Bomb grow, the short pheno had the most wonderfull citrus smell compared to a very "hashy" smell to the tall pheno. The short pheno took over a week longer than the tall pheno to get to my harvest preferance. Of course, the tall pheno greatly out yielded the short and it takes less of the tall pheno to get the same relief. Judging by your pics,, I would be a little hesitant to go full strength nutes as the fried tips and edges along with the leaf tips clawing down indicates a little too much nutes. I usually push my plants nutes until I see the beginning of nute burn, then back off just a little. I feed every watering starting with 1/8X the first week and increase 1/8X each week until I reach 1/2X about week 4 and have never gone over 1/2X ( 2 ml/L)with autos. Many grows I have to increase to 1/4 before week 2 based on the color of the plant. I shoot for a very dark green and increase my nutes if I see yellowing. I use AN Jungle Juice for my base nutes. I innoculate the microbes and fungi into the promix by using AN Voodoo and Piranha the first two weeks of veg, and the first 2 weeks of bloom. I feed my microbes with Carboload at 1 ml/L during veg, and 2 ml/L during bloom as the plant itself utilizes the extra carbs to set big bud. Many growers use the molasis to feed the microbes and sweeten the flavor. I personally do not like the sweetened flavor. I use to use AN Bud Candy which is a combination of Carboload and Sweet Leaf, but all my meds tasted the same no matter what strain I grew. I have switched to just the Carboload to get away from the "sweet" taste and leave me the flavor mother nature intended. Root boosting microbes rreally makes a big benefit in my experience. Much larger root mass.:growing:
Yea I'm going to cut back to a half strength feed instead of full on this next feeding. Ive messed up the nutrients most of the grow so I really have to pay attention and figure out a sweet spot till harvest. I have some dark green but not like I wanted..... Maybe next grow eh? Lol if I don't participate in the comparison grow in going to b running this strain again with maybe one single different plant with it. I want to buy a bigger tent so I can run 6 girls to my 600w HPS and maximize the light bill in paying for lol but I want to give this strain another run because I think I could do better and have got more. Looks great still but always room for improvement lol. I appreciate you stopping by and helping with some things and offering another set of eyes on things....

@Iamthewitness.... Thanks for the input on that because I hate microwaving shit lol of much rather use a quick dry method like that. I kno either way the flavor won't fully b there but the high will be so that's all I need to figure out I think. Lol
Does anyone kno of its a good idea to kick my lights back up to 24/0 for the last two weeks while I'm doing my flush? Or should I leave at 18/6?
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Just a quick update on the girls. All is looking well and as on track as could b!!!!! Been feeding and watering consistently and they are soaking it up. My shortest girl is looking like she's budding faster than the others and boy does she have some knots. If I can just finish strong and get this stuff curing properly I will have done it!!!! About 3-4 weeks out still I think. Just barely getting colored hairs on them all. I'll post pics tomorrow after work. Will show my tallest and shortest girls as they are my two favorite. The smells are amazing and some of the buds look like they are going to get pretty hefty :) pics tomorrow afternoon :) happy farming!!!!
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:meds:The ideal harvest time is when the plant gives you the effect you want. If you are a recreational user, then yes maybe the clear to slightly amber may give you the enjoyment you want. On the other hand, if you are a medical user and want relief from pain, particularly nerve pain, you want to let them go until you have at least 10-15 percent amber, many growers let them go way more than that for pain relief. True, amber trichs are the result of breakdown of THC. However, it degrades into other active components, CBD etc., which is what gives you the pain relief you are looking for. Nobody can or should say that another grower has let harvest go too long, because they do not know what effect is desired. The 100 plus days my grow took was very carefully monitored by viewing trichs with a digital microscope, then vaping the sample to see the effect. Some autos never do amber up much at all, but will give you an amber like effect, hence the actual sampling along the way. Recreational users tend to favor the heady sativa type high, while medical users tend to favor the amber indica high. Beings you chose a prodominantly indica strain and stated you wanted meds, I think you are going to be looking at the longer time period. I am no rookie grower by any means, and almost all of my grows go at least 2 weeks and usually 3-4 weeks longer than the breeder claims. Keep in mind the breeders list harvest times based on perfect growing conditions usually with hydroponics. Everybodys grow techniques will give a slightly different result and can dramaticly affect length to harvest. You will dial in your techniques that work best for you in your environment and then you will better know what to expect when comparing breeder times to harvest to what you can actually expect from your grow. You have done a great job so far, don't let someone else tell you when is the best time to harvest. You have to determine that yourself based on the goal of your growing. Sampling along the way is the only way to know if is going to give you what you are looking for. It would be a shame to have gone this far, then end up harvesting on someone elses advise and not getting the meds you are wanting. And yes, you will have to support nearly every stalk. I put a dowl into the pot and use pipe cleaners to support the branches to the dowl. Keep up the great grow, take in and mull around everyones advise, then make your own decisions on how to proceed. Best of luck.

Heavily, my apologies bro. I meant no disrespect to you or your growing abilities when I said 100 days was too long except for sleep meds. You are absolutely correct, that we all grow to the effect we desire and if that is your preference then by all means, grow accordingly.

My intent in the statement was to inform Pete that there is a perfect harvest time for optimal THC levels and that as the grow goes along THC degrades. If he is looking for the highest THC content possible then the observation of trichomes is the only way to achieve that.

To clear a couple of things up, THC does not degrade to CBD. CBD is a cannabinoid independent of THC and is a result of genetics, not length of grow. THC will convert to CBN with age and CBN is a sleep inducer as well as an analgesic. That conversion doesn't necessarily need to be during the grow. THC will convert to CBN with age on the plant or on the table. It is a direct reflection of the age of the flower not the length of the grow.

Once again though, it wasn't my intention to degrade you as a grower, I was doing my best to inform Pete of the generally accepted standard for optimal cannabis harvest.
And as promised I have pictures of my tallest and my shortest girl (which send to b a little further along than the rest. Didn't get alot of my green back from my N deficiency and I have some rough nute burn but I see a small difference in flowers each day so I assume everything is on track... Just need to watch the nutes I guess :( they went from deficient to fully fed. Probably was alot on them :/ poor girls. But they want to finish strong still, I can see it!!! And now so can you....