First ever grow. Promix HP THC bomb auto 600w hps.

The overview looks much nicer, they are still slumping a bit but not as bad as they were originally. The other nice thing is, you are into full flowering without any calcium issues so that is a big plus. Normally that is where you will see Cal/Mag issues if you are going to see any. They look pretty decent overall.

Yeah, switch to the bloom nutes and don't start out small. If you are getting up to 3/4 strength then I would try full strength the first bloom feed and see how they respond. You aren't going to see major growth like you did in veg. The flower is low and slow unfortunately but, done right, is where all of your aromatics are going to come from. Keep an eye on humidity and try to keep it around 40% if you can. That helps two fold, one keeps mold out of your flowers and two, makes the plant transpire more and the more she transpires, the more she drinks, the more she drinks, the more liquids and nutrients you can get her to take in.

Last thing, don't let the pots go dry in flower. Whatever you do, don't let the pots go dry.
RH for flowering is going to b perfect than!!! 38-42% average all the time. They were taking full doses of grow big so full bloom should b fine and I'm keeping up on watering now lately so I don't think that will b an issue. Trying to find the happy medium still. I'd about a half gallon to 3/4 gallon a plant each feeding..... Should I do my scheduled watering in between? And what should I do with my molasses? Lol and why those buds look different? Or if it a surprise haha
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Yeah, you should water in between if you can but it isn't all that important, if you just fed and two or three days later and they aren't showing any sign of burn or unhappiness then feed them again. Some people feed small amounts every watering, some people feed large amounts every other watering. I am in the small amounts every watering group. I think they benefit from being fed all the time without starving them in between.

The molasses, you should make some toast in the morning and pour it over that, lol. I don't know what to do with that molasses, I mean, you can pour it in with the nutrients if you want. Normally people use that for magnesium deficiencies or to help the beneficial bacteria in their soil. Since you used promix, you really don't have much bacteria in there. I have heard some people say simple sugars "may" increase the flavor in the flowers. It is debatable but I am sure a little won't hurt if you want to give it a shot. Several companies have a simple sugar concoction for flowering that they sell. I tried some years ago but never really noticed any improvement so figured it was a placebo with most growers.

The bud, probably a genetic mutation, hard to say really. Maybe it is a characteristic of the strain? Not too sure. Some strains are known for their mutations that were never bred out. DJ short was well known years ago for the deformity in his blueberry line. If you ever saw a leaf deformity with half the leaf deformed and the other half look fine you knew that plant was bred with one of his blue strains. It was dominant but didn't show consistent. I just grew some godberry that had those deformities, and I knew immediately they had used one of his blueberry's for their mother. So, long story short, probably just a mutation that wasn't completely bred out.
Going to grab bread now.... Lol

Well it's one less thing for me to mess with. I'm not worried about how it affects the bud. I just wasn't aware I didn't need it with the promix(speaking of molasses). Good thing that was free too lol

so if you feed a Lil every watering do you just do half strength of the amount recommended for that time in the plants life? Say it should b taking a half dose every other watering you give a quarter dose each watering?

And final thing.... Wish you could smell these girls through the pictures lol. Such a sweet citrus smell right now it's amazing. Fruity kinda to. Very aromatic and nice... Going to get a 4x4 tent for my next grow though to maximize my light since I have to pay the bill lol
On the feeding, it is an art more than a science. It really is all strain dependent and takes time and experience to determine. On some plants I will feed full strength every day, some won't take that much. Sativa dom plants are generally speaking, very nutrient sensitive. Indica dom plants on the other hand are generally not. So some you can feed all the time and some don't like to be fed even once a week, not so much autos but more photos and more like thai and pure sativa varieties that go a week easily without feeding.

Like I said earlier, if you feed full strength and don't notice any detrimental effects then try feeding half strength where you would normally water. If she seemed to like it then go back to full strength the next feed. It is more trial and error until you have grown a certain strain out a few times then you see how they react and base "like strains" off of that one.
One day I shall learn the art of watering Mr. Miyogi!!! Lol colors are best I've seen in awhile, looking alot more healthy.... One girl has grow a half inch in twenty four hours and that's about it. So yup we are ready. She's already taller than the rest so I'll start her blooming too. They took the last feeding very well so I'm just going to jump straight to full bloom next watering and see how they like it. I think once they get going these girls are some nutrient hogs and I was scared and just didn't see it. Hopefully I didn't lose much of this grow. After the comment above and after I test harvest and if that's good, in going to run this strain again because I want to learn it and maximize it's potential. It's been a great experience so far and as is im still very very happy with what I've accomplished one my first grow ever so far!!! Once again thanks for all your help. You've taught me so much and allowed me to make decisions and learn on my own by giving me the information and letting me determine the answer. If that made sense? And from you explaining the PPM changing as water evaporates and it concentrates the nutrients and me not watering enough to break it down thus causing nute burn.... I also than realized I shouldn't be premixing my nutrients either which could have been a problem even though they were sealed in home depot buckets lol. Learned alot bro and its much appreciated!!!! Thanks for seeing this through with me @A4
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Well look it here!!!! This noob has some knots forming everywhere because my upstanding LST lol only fed bloom once so they haven't even got going yet!!! I'm super stoked with how things are looking and smelling.... I believe im well on my way to a successful first grow!!! And it only gets better from here!!! I'm so happy to have made it this far even!!! Wish I could email a joint of finished product to my mentor when it's done!!! Haha....
Looks nice man. I see several ounces of future flowers there. A few bumps along the way but you didn't give up and kept a good attitude and it looks like it is going to pay off nicely.

They are clearly pulling out of the slump as well. Leaves look good, a little curl around the edges from low humidity is nice. I think they are finally pretty happy man, give yourself a pat on the back for me. You deserve it. I see so many new growers get so frustrated during their first few grows and start dumping everything but the kitchen sink at their plants to try and get them to respond, which they normally do, in a negative way. You kept your cool, didn't overdo anything and while you may have lost a little bit of growth they are still going to be pull through with an excellent harvest.

The great thing is, now you have a base of knowledge to build on. Your next will be so much better! What day are you on from sprout and what was the estimated grow cycle for these? Looks like another 3 to 4 weeks or so?

It is gonna be fun to watch them explode.
In the morning they will be 44 days old. Says from seed to harvest 65 days.... On @Heavily Medicated grow on these girls his exceeded 100 days.... I was thinking about a month or more myself but really have no clue cuz it's my first time lol I'm not going to get noob anxious and pull too early either.... I got a microscope with LED light I'll have to put to use and maybe try some along the way to see how meds are and pull when I like.... But I dunno what I like I guess so maybe I'll pull a couple at different times like you did to experiment and see how I like the strain....

And thank you for the compliments. I tried to stay level headed and not make those basic noob mistakes cuz I knew if I did something to wrong it could b very costly.... And yes RH of starting between 40-50% which I believe u said is "the zone" lol. Got one fan on the to canopy and one blowing opposite direction pushing air up from the bottom through the canopy.... Might grab one more 6" fan though because these look like they are going to b some very dense nugs.... The photo version, from what I've read, had a tendency to need branch support do to the weight of the flowers :) sounds great!!! And I'm going to hang dry in my tent with my filter on to help with smell since I'm in an apartment complex lol @bolio does it this way and said he would help if I had any questions to this method as I was reading on tent harvest in harvest section lol

I'm also trying to participate in the comparison grow by jack at the vault. Just waiting on a confirmation email back giving me further directions so hopefully I qualify and can give his seeds a try. If not I'm doing another run at this THC bomb for a Lil comparison of my own....
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Yeah, I was thinking they looked around 3-4 weeks out, so 65-44 is 3 weeks exactly and normally the breeder fudges their numbers by a week. 100 days is entirely too long unless you are looking for sleep medication. The fact is, there is a peak window for harvest of around 7 - 10 days and every day longer the THC degrades which results in less potent final product. For me, that is an absolute travesty, after putting that much time and care into the plants. Trich watching is probably one of, if not the most difficult part of the grow. Believe it or not, a good cell phone will snap some excellent pictures of the trichs if you can hold the phone still long enough. I have an Samsung Galaxy S6 and use it more than I do my usb microscope.

The trich progression will be absolutely clear heads, which will make them look like a mirror. That is first stage. They will then begin to cloud up, first on the leaves and then on the flowers. The areas that receive more light will age quicker than the ones on the flowers so don't neglect those flower shots. The easiest way to tell the clouding is the trichs will begin looking milky and white on the stalk. That is peak harvest time. When they start getting cloudy you will begin seeing one or two amber or brown heads, generally on the outer areas of the leaves. That is a sign of the THC degrading. Some people like a lot of amber, I am not one of them. Amber is more of a stoned high, clear or cloudy is more of up/happy high. There is no way to get them all perfect but what I shoot for is less than 10% amber on leaves. That is about when the flowers are almost all cloudy with some still clear and perfect for my tastes.

For curing/drying, the most important thing is keep the temps in the low 70s and the RH in the 50s. Low and slow like barbq for flavor. If you can hang dry the entire plant, do it! It allows the flowers a longer dry time which helps gas off the excess chlorophyll which improves the taste tremendously. The biggest mistake you can make in drying is to rush it unless you like the taste of straw. The terpenes are highly volatile and it doesn't take much to wreak havoc on them. I hag dry mine in a pitch dark unused closet in my house with a small dehumidifier and fan running. Not blowing on the plants but under them to keep the air stirring. They normally take about 7-10 days, depending on density of flower, before they are ready to jar and are as smooth a smoke as you would want.