First ever grow. Promix HP THC bomb auto 600w hps.

Definitely excited about the news :) now just to pic a name.... Lol
Well I fed today giving about a half gallon each... Doing feeding every other now and measuring the bud growth everyday to make sure I'm still getting vertical growth.... So far so good. Tallest bud is about 15 inches. Canopy is fairly level still and looking good. Still think I'm recovering from the deficiency... Things could look greener I think. But I'm working on it. I'll take a couple pics tomorrow outside the tent so you guys can see what I have going on. :) looking good... Just hoping I can get another weeks worth of half inch to inch growth each day like I'm getting now. Would really like to hit the two foot mark before I start feeding bloom nutes but that would take a hell of alot of growth lol. I expect a couple more inches at most. Maybe one or two more feedings before I switch to feeding bloom nutes.
Well I didn't see very much vertical growth today and I fed about 24 hours ago. I recorded the height as of now on each individual girl on their tallest branches that are closest to the entrance to my tent. Easy to remember lol. I'm going to check tomorrow after work and see if there has been any vertical growth. If not they will get a watering next as scheduled and than I will b switching to bloom nutes. I'm starting to see the leaves getting a Lil frosty close to the bud sites.... Can't see in my pics probably yet but can see in person..... Today is day 39. The plant these pics are of is the same girl that was in the pictures for deficiency.
And im starting to get smells.... It smells like fruity zebra gum..... But not just a piece. Smells like when I first open the whole pack of gum. Better make sure I study up and harvest/cure this right cuz this is going to b some killer medication. :)
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Now that I'm looking I feel like they need more nutes. I pulled off everything completely yellow but some of them are turning full yellow again near the bottom.... Do I need to feed again? Before bloom nutes? Maybe I didn't feed heavy enough still since their deficiency.... These girls are crazy I dunno... Lol
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Scratch most of that lol.... Hopefully I'm not just really medicated and it was the right choice but I just split a gallon of water with full strength grow big in it. Dispersing to each lady as I felt she needed. Hopefully this all works out OK. I'll b doing a straight RO watering in two days. Maybe no vertical growth because 3/4 feed want enough cuz they are showing all the same deficiency signs. I'll take a Lil nute burn over dying girls I guess lol fuck I dunno I guess you live and you learn. I definitely see the color green that they should b on sum parts of the girls and have a better idea now I guess.... Live and learn... Then grow again!!!! Lol in case wondering I did a 3/4 strength feed last night using a half gallon to each girl. Maybe they need more each time. I dunno. 3 gallon pots.
Well no vertical growth today worth anything really so I'd say it's time for bloom nutes. Deficiency is looking better. Do I switch right over or do a watering between the switch since it's technically scheduled next anyway?
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Why do these tops look different? Looked different for awhile now. I think the first pic is going to just be a stupid big fucking knot of a bud lol