First ever grow. Promix HP THC bomb auto 600w hps.

@A4.... About ten pictures or so I posted before this with a tiny info. Fed half strength nutes last night. RO water before that and haven't noticed a difference/ increase in nute burn yet so maybe half is OK. Might have some PH flux spots you can see in the pics. Any pic u have a question about I'll know which girl it is lol just too high to categorize it lol.... I'm getting there though my friend!!!! Hopefully I don't mess this up!!!!
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Heavily, my apologies bro. I meant no disrespect to you or your growing abilities when I said 100 days was too long except for sleep meds. You are absolutely correct, that we all grow to the effect we desire and if that is your preference then by all means, grow accordingly.

My intent in the statement was to inform Pete that there is a perfect harvest time for optimal THC levels and that as the grow goes along THC degrades. If he is looking for the highest THC content possible then the observation of trichomes is the only way to achieve that.

To clear a couple of things up, THC does not degrade to CBD. CBD is a cannabinoid independent of THC and is a result of genetics, not length of grow. THC will convert to CBN with age and CBN is a sleep inducer as well as an analgesic. That conversion doesn't necessarily need to be during the grow. THC will convert to CBN with age on the plant or on the table. It is a direct reflection of the age of the flower not the length of the grow.

Once again though, it wasn't my intention to degrade you as a grower, I was doing my best to inform Pete of the generally accepted standard for optimal cannabis harvest.
No disrespect taken @A4 CBD, CBN I confuse things often, I knew it was CBsomething.:toke:
How many day flush period do I need? 10-14? Bought batteries for my 30x microscope today. About to go water with straight RO and I'll look at the leaves and flowers. I'm having amazing looking trich production each day :) so close my friend!!
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Yeah, I was thinking they looked around 3-4 weeks out, so 65-44 is 3 weeks exactly and normally the breeder fudges their numbers by a week. 100 days is entirely too long unless you are looking for sleep medication. The fact is, there is a peak window for harvest of around 7 - 10 days and every day longer the THC degrades which results in less potent final product. For me, that is an absolute travesty, after putting that much time and care into the plants. Trich watching is probably one of, if not the most difficult part of the grow. Believe it or not, a good cell phone will snap some excellent pictures of the trichs if you can hold the phone still long enough. I have an Samsung Galaxy S6 and use it more than I do my usb microscope.

The trich progression will be absolutely clear heads, which will make them look like a mirror. That is first stage. They will then begin to cloud up, first on the leaves and then on the flowers. The areas that receive more light will age quicker than the ones on the flowers so don't neglect those flower shots. The easiest way to tell the clouding is the trichs will begin looking milky and white on the stalk. That is peak harvest time. When they start getting cloudy you will begin seeing one or two amber or brown heads, generally on the outer areas of the leaves. That is a sign of the THC degrading. Some people like a lot of amber, I am not one of them. Amber is more of a stoned high, clear or cloudy is more of up/happy high. There is no way to get them all perfect but what I shoot for is less than 10% amber on leaves. That is about when the flowers are almost all cloudy with some still clear and perfect for my tastes.

For curing/drying, the most important thing is keep the temps in the low 70s and the RH in the 50s. Low and slow like barbq for flavor. If you can hang dry the entire plant, do it! It allows the flowers a longer dry time which helps gas off the excess chlorophyll which improves the taste tremendously. The biggest mistake you can make in drying is to rush it unless you like the taste of straw. The terpenes are highly volatile and it doesn't take much to wreak havoc on them. I hag dry mine in a pitch dark unused closet in my house with a small dehumidifier and fan running. Not blowing on the plants but under them to keep the air stirring. They normally take about 7-10 days, depending on density of flower, before they are ready to jar and are as smooth a smoke as you would want.
shouldhavebeenwithlastpost lol
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