First ever grow. Promix HP THC bomb auto 600w hps.

How many day flush period do I need? 10-14? Bought batteries for my 30x microscope today. About to go water with straight RO and I'll look at the leaves and flowers. I'm having amazing looking trich production each day :) so close my friend!!
Pete, I usally go for a 14 day cleansing, but sometimes it runs longer because I usually wait until most of the leaves have yellowed.
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Yea I would like things to b clean as possible so I figured that was the proper range. Busted out the microscope today mostly clear still so not time to start yet..... It's hard to determine when to start flushing on first grow.... Now I'm going to b checking trichs every day so I can develope an idea of how fast they mature so I kno when to start flushing so the trichs are just how I decide I want them.... Good thing im super picky with how things are done, hopefully it will help me finish strong.... Took these today though.... This is my tallest structured kola, but with the knots forming on my smallest one, I can't quite say the biggest.... But the most elongated....
Looking very nice man, they appear to have bounced back very well from everything and are really putting on some weight! Trich production is looking good as well.

Has your brother seen them yet? What are his thoughts on autos now?
He thinks they are small and cute still lol but I've actually cut him off of viewing them unless I'm having an emergency so I can surprise the shit out of him lol. My shortest girl has knots as big around as golf balls. She's going to start on flushing probably almost a week ahead of the rest . hoping in going to get some special colors soon. If not I still love green :) yea the trichs are crazy. End of my microscope is super sticky from touching it to the plants while looking lol still haven't started flushing though yet. Steady been going through yours and other forums looking at pics and watching my development so I can time things fairly close. Kind of glad one jumped ahead because it will help me time the rest better. Hairs are alot shorter on the small one. I'll post pics on a couple of hours when I water again!!! We are almost there bud!!! Day 50 today
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I'll have better picture when I water here shortly.... But for now while I'm in here checking for bugs... And trichs with my microscope.... Figured I'd take a pic of this beautiful canopy!!!! So proud of my LST work for my first time.... Tallest is obviously on the left with its highest kola coming in at 26" from ground to top, so pot height IS included in that number. The shortest girl which is two to the right, her tallest kola is only 19" from ground to top, measuring the same way. The other two girls have tops at 21.5". The shortest is moving along the fastest and will b the first to go into flushing.... She is short..... But her flowers density and circumference are greater than the rest so far and she will hold her own in final dry weight I believe.... At this point if I was going to get color to my buds, purple lol, it would b noticeable already huh? And @Heavily Medicated... I have two different smells.... One more skunky and kind of hash like and the rest are like fruity citrus skunk, light on the skunk lol my nose sucks tho lol but smells are great. Didn't get color like you I don't think but was able to get two different phenos I believe.... Will know more over the next couple of weeks for sure.
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Don't pay much attention to my plants in the threads because most everything I grow is photoperiod and I harvest pretty early for most people's taste. I prefer a very clear head high with my stuff so I rarely let mine see more than a speck or two of amber. If a breeder calls for 60 days I am generally right on that time frame and sometimes a little earlier, which is ultra early for most growers.

As for your colors, well, you are probably correct. Don't count them out completely but you should have at least been seeing a little coloring in the leaves beginning to spread into the flowers if you were going to see some naturally. In a lot of plants you won't see the colors until you start loosing chlorophyll in the leaves. As the green starts fading you will begin to see the colors come out. If it is a colorful strain, or has some colorful genetics in it then sometimes you can coax it out by lowering the temperatures in the grow room. Most of the time, if you can get it below 70 you will see a lot of the "fall" colors come out of plants that you wouldn't generally see in them otherwise. Doing it with temperatures are generally not recommended because what the cooler temps does is create a phosphorus deficient plant but it happens in nature the same way. The roots begin getting cold late into the season and phosphorus isn't taken up as well in that environment. With most genetics nowadays it is high anthocyanin content that is bred into the plant. I have a few varieties of corn that look almost black there is so much anthocyanin in them. It is a very healthy anti-oxidant.
Well poop. It's OK. I don't want colors from temps, I'll take the healthier more natural version lol. Pics coming very very very soon. Making store run for pregnant wife :) lol
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Well with life happening ever so much and me finishing watering with RO and half strength calimagic to help with sum yellowing and what looks like a small deficiency.... But I was in able to snap pics as it's lights out right this second. Don't want to bug them. Shouldn't have watered now but they needed it.... Think I'll start flushing my smallest one in five to seven days.... I'll post pics in the morning of her and see what you guys think, sorry about the delay.... It's milky and clear mix about 60/40 50/50 maybe
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Without further wait.... Pictures from just minutes ago... As promised.... I'm thinking one more full feed of bloom nutes then I'll start my two week flush on her.... Am I starting flush too early? She will get final feed tomorrow or next day then two days after that I'll start cleaning/ flushing her out. The tall one will b last as the hairs haven't started to turn yet even....@A4
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