New Grower First ever grow, Northern Lights auto. Wish me luck!

Day 26: Decided to give her a proper trim today as ponytailing wasn't really doing enough. Time will tell if this was a good idea but I'm happier that now plenty of lower nodes are getting light and I am training them to not just cover each other as they grow outwards

Im fighting the strech right now moon light is at almost max without getting creative.

She will be a monster soon iv seen alot of NLs and they all seem to get a good size
Day 29: No water today, she is getting bushy again. Moved the lights down a bit to around 45k lux at the top of the canopy.

[Edit] decided that she actually could do with some water so another 1L of pH 5.89 / 1100 ppm into the pot.

@Epicxr I do hope so. She is supposed to be a 75 dayer so another week and a day before the half way stage and she hasn't started to flower yet. I wonder when stretching usually stops and how long flowering typically lasts for a 75 dayer...?
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From what i gather mate that 75 days is not accurate mine are on day 50 and was a 8 weeker shes gonna need at least 5 weeks yet the other is gonna need at least 7 aswell shes just fattening up not streching, jus fer shitz-n-gigglez, mine are on day 117 today & doubtful they'll be ready fer trick-or-treat even :rofl: jus sayin...:rolleyes2: ppp

woah, guess I got a ways to go yet then!
do you know what they were marketed as in grow to harvest time?
woah, guess I got a ways to go yet then!
do you know what they were marketed as in grow to harvest time?

sorry moon, me don't remember what they're marketed as, cuz me never pay any attention to any o' that anyway, lol :shrug: fwiw, before they even go in the dirt, i automatically count on NL to be at least a 100 day plant, with anything longer to be expected & anything shorter to be reazon to downright jump for joy! :jump: lol :rolleyes2: NL is a renowned long runner, and well, mine are jus runnin xtra-long cuz of the whole nutrient imbalance fiasco around day 40-50 or so, but they'll finish one o' theze dayz, so what the hell, lol :shrug: and psst, i'll be updatin me NL thread before the nite is over, if ya wanna take a peek :coffee: ppp