Thx yellowgrower
Thank you again, great advice, as always Squidy :hug:
I think she's looking a little better, she's growing and started smelling more again. My soil tester broke, so I have no idea whether the coffee grounds helped or not as it even read 7.5 in pure lemon juice soaked garden soil :no:
Anyway I waited til today when she was nice and light when I lifted the pot and the soil felt dry down 2-3 inches, before testing my tapwater, as didn't want to add overwatering to the problem. I was shocked at just how alkaline the tapwater is here and think in a way it's a good job I overwatered initially and then didn't start watering til later on, as think the alkinity has been building up each time. The soil probably buffered the initial alkalinity a bit. It measured at around 8 and didn't get down to 6.5 until I'd added at least half a teaspoon of lemon juice to 2 litres water!! To that I added a quarter of the recommended amount of Bio Bloom and tested again, before watering with her. I had also top dressed about half a tablespoon of dolomite lime into the soil in case there was a cal-mag deficiency, thought that was probably better as it's slow release than bombarding her with too much.
She might've got too dry though, because I couldn't test the ph of the run off as there wasn't any ... I know it's a big 3 gallon tub or so that she's in but I'd have expected some? There's plenty of drainage at the bottom, with several holes underneath and around the bottom edge of the pot. I got a full refund on my soil tester and managed to win a Kelway Soil Tester for cheap on eBay ... they're usually big bucks and are meant to work well, so I should be able to keep an eye on the soil ph even if I don't get any run-off.
What do you think of how she's doing?
These are the yellowest leaves, although I think my kitchen fluorescent light makes them look more yellow.
See what I mean about there being green in the yellow leaves? There seem to be as many green leaves as there were before so hopefully it's that way around and not more green ones turning yellow :joint: