New Grower First ever grow - auto critical feminised (will probably need lots of advice please)

It would be remiss of me not to thank everyone for their kind words and advice, especially Squidy - who stopped me panicking and helped me out w/ all my newbie mistakes and questions, thank you! :hug:
:clap: Not bad at all ma'am! Looks like over a half I'd say. Definitely interested in final dry weight.

Job well done, dear. I shall Rep+ you when I get back to the laptop.
Thank you both :D

I guess my next purchase will be digital scales Squidy :smoke:
Nice job Tremane karma up. Have you finished it up already? I can't believe how fast mine went.

What was the final weight if you ever got it! Looks about what i might get with my NL
Day 80 and I did the deed :booya:

I'd been nipping off a few of the smaller buds and testing them over the past 3 days or so, drying them on a radiator set to low, chopped up in a little envelope. When I tried today, decided was juuuuust right :smoke:

Don't think she worked out too badly for a first timer, pics below:






hello, just ran across your grow, i have a critical auto on the way and was wondering what was your final weight?