Grow Mediums First Coco Grow....Mephisto Alien x Toof

UH-OH. I have some issues with my first leaves on both sides. I see no other signs anywhere else on her. Please have a look and let me know what ya think.
ThanksView attachment 467061 View attachment 467062
you need to take a pic with just some cfl lighting or natural lighting turn off the LED shows the problem better im a new grower like yourself if you cant get no answers here or it gets worse go to the 24 hour live help thread here dude
hope everything goes okay dude sending some :karmacloud: your way :pass:
you need to take a pic with just some cfl lighting or natural lighting turn off the LED shows the problem better im a new grower like yourself if you cant get no answers here or it gets worse go to the 24 hour live help thread here dude
hope everything goes okay dude sending some :karmacloud: your way :pass:

Thanks Wile,

Yeah a whole day went by and I see no new damage. I am thinking that since these were the first ones that shot out they were touching the sides of the smart pot that is wet with nutes that's how just those leaves got burnt.

:pass: Thanks Dude
Good Afternoon.

Day 25 Update.

Wow I am so amazed at how big she is and she is only 25 days old. She is being feed three times a day now and I plan on changing out her res and bumping it up to 0.95ec tonight after her 6 o'clock feeding.

There is no more signs of damage so I believe I was right and her bottom leaves were just burnt due to touching the sides of the pot.

When Is it OK to start plucking some of those massive water leaves? I have been tucking them but they will not be denied they pop right back again.

Rockin it bro :headbang: she is huge for 25 days!! Well on her way to be a monster forsure!! Ive been doign the defoliation differently every time i dont think it makes a difference since they're drinking 3x a day already. Better the lower branches get light.. :pop:
Day 29 and shes starting to pre-flower. I am still fussing over her BIG ASS leaves removing two a day for the last 4 days and it is still not making a difference. I blink and they are back I suppose its a good problem to have.

SO I am in my 4th week and I received the rest of my AN nutes.

Coco bloom A&B
Overdrive= last two weeks of bloom
Bud Ignitor= First two weeks of bloom
Bud candy= 1 thru 6th weeks of bloom
Big bud = 2 thru 4th weeks of bloom
Rhino skin = 1 thru 6th weeks of bloom
Flawless finish = Last week of bloom
And I got drip clean

So first question the drip clean Do I count that into the EC?

And for the rest I am assuming that I will start none of these until the stretch has stopped am I correct? Even though she has started flowering. The Bud ignitor Is to get more bud sites maybe I should start that now?

I am also starting to realize that i may have a problem adding all of this and keeping my EC in the proper range does anybody have any suggestions on order i add. I want to make sure I am giving her what she needs the most first. I read on 420 site this guy didn't count the extras in his EC however he didn't have any responses so I'm not to sure about this .

I need to understand @JAYAR I know you use Big bud How do you determine how much A&B to use to leave room for the Big bud? @Waximus Don't you use more then just the a&b?

Any comments are welcome
Here's a couple of photos. And thanks for looking. :cheers:
Hell yeah she's steady growing bro! Not sure how I can help about the nutes... the way I mix my stuff I add the base nutes up to about 1.1 and then almost equal part of big bud that usually bumps it to 1.3 to 1.4.. I never add an amendment more than base nutes.. but i would just got about 50% strength of everything and see where the ec is.. then add water incase it's too high.
Hell yeah she's steady growing bro! Not sure how I can help about the nutes... the way I mix my stuff I add the base nutes up to about 1.1 and then almost equal part of big bud that usually bumps it to 1.3 to 1.4.. I never add an amendment more than base nutes.. but i would just got about 50% strength of everything and see where the ec is.. then add water incase it's too high.

Thanks dude that helps a lot. What about the drip clean?
Hey, Brother :)
I don't check my EC regularly in the drip systems...I run my base nutes at 1/2-2/3 strength, and 8ml/gal of additions. I use the same additions as you listed, remove Bud Candy, and add CarboLoad and Sensizyme :)
The Drip Clean... I add 1ml/gal, and don't remember it spiking EC when I was checking every mix.
Your Girls look Fantastic, Fantasy :)
I predict they will LOVE the new list.... lol