New Grower First Auto Grow - Think Different


Hi hazy

Total novice here,

As you know I'm growing the same strain and I tend to give the girls a litre of water each every 2-3 days ... I have to be careful though as I made the school boy error of forgetting to mix perlite with my compost! Lol
hello hazy, i am on the underwatered train of thought:2cents:your before after test seems to prove this. but what your doing is great!:booya:those plant are very healthy, and the proof is in there quick comeback. your scrog is working wonders, you can see it will produce copious amounts of budsites, those td's get really big i predict a large harvest!:smokebuds:
i dont use perlite and do not have any issues :)
looking good as usual hazy.

they looking like the jolly green giant.

(kinda like vitruvius avatar)
lookin good dude ........... Im watching this close
