New Grower First AF grow, Northern Lights, Crit Mass, Cr Caramel and Af Kush. Heeya!

Thanks for the quick responses guys. Yeah that stuff does smell pretty pungent. I keep it closed tight and in a bag on the shelf. No problem sf it's probably on the first pages but I got them all from They carry from several different banks. NL is from Nirvana. AKR- WoS. CCaramel-Sweet and the Critical Mass is from Big Buddha. One NL didn't even germ I had two. I don't think it's a seed problem although I won't be ordering from them again. Seems everyone else is cheaper and have the same strains some better, AND they take for gosh damn ever to get them shipped here to the States. Took over two weeks that shit was lame. lol Looking forward to your journal B-leaf. Later guys.
Hey bro dont be soo glum, tell ya what i may not be an expert but id suggest just watering without nutes and just use good ol water and kick back and try not to think about the plants. once i decided to just leavem alone they really picked up their growth. stressing yourself may reflect back on the plants.

Thanks B-Leaf. Didn't see this at first. You're right, I don't want them to get bad vibes from me. I'm gonna go check on them and play them some Smashing Pumpkins-Gish. They like that.
rock them girls out! woohoo:howdy:

So when I went in to check the tent, the two baby girls that were dropping were sitting up straight, after just an hour or so. They were just thirsty I reckon. Giving full waterings now instead of just misting good. Thanks for the awesome vibes! :wiz:
i see you got ur seeds from the same place i did. the single seed centre?! i wouldnt say too slow but they came and i almost had a heart attack cuz i got 10 seeds and they made it thru.
Yeah same place. Whadya mean about the heart attack and the ten seeds making it through? Sorry.
just the fact that they made it thru customs. i spent my last 70 bucks and i just have insanely bad luck.
Whats up Squid. Stopping by to say hello. Yea Brotha man if I had any words of advice after skimming through all the pages of this journal Is it's way to early to feed the ladies. Your eldest is 11 days old and they are in a un named soil which almost def has nutes already in it plus miracle grow perlite which is going to release more everytime you water. With your autos in soil even if you had a base soil and perlite with the bare minimum nutes I still wouldn't feed until about 2 weeks. Soil with nutes and miracle grow perlite can keep a plant fed for a month on nothing but water and that's a regular plant. If they are stunted and yellow they could be over fed right out the gate. Seedlings need a good medium and no nutes until they establish themselves and get to about there 3rd set of leaves. Then you can start a veg nute at around 25% the recommended dosage for an autoflower. If
You put an autoflower into a hot soil you will either fry
Them and they will stunt and or die. If they do make it through they will not need a feeding for 2-3 weeks. The worst thing you could do would be to add more nutes now. I would let them dry out then plain Ph'd water. Dry out again and plain Ph'd water again. They will start to bounce back I'm telling
You. Do not over water a seedling or feed it. 2 of the biggest beginner mistakes. Let the soil dry out. The roots will grow quicker searching for water. Soon as it starts to get dry to the touch when you stick your finger In the soil give them a light watering again. No nutes until you see them growing and the new growth is healthy and green. I would like to see some new photos of them if you can take them and upload them. You said it was Orangish red? That's normally like 4-5 Ph correct on them droppers? Light orange to dark yellow is 5.5-6. Light yellow 6-6.5 then when it stars to go light greenish blue is 7. Do you have any Ph up or Dolomite lime? You don't want to drastically change
Ph. If your soil is reading 4-5 and you put something in there to change
Your water to 8-9 you can shock the roots and do more harm then good to your plants. Instead slowly raise
It over the next week. Make your water 6.5-7 for the next 2-3 waterings and check then go from there. Hope this helps bud IDE hate to see you end up with nothing. If you need anything let me know. I'll try my best to help you pull these girls through the finish line. Catch ya later Squid. :peace:
Damn. I really appreciate you taking the time to help Cap'n. I sure need it. You're right on with those colors. Yellow with just a tingle of green is what I want because yellow is 6 even and pale green is 6.5. I do have GH ph up and down. Glad I used my general wits on not raising it too much trying to fix it. I figured that it would be worse if it were too high and apparently I was right. I raised my feed water to about 7 and that's what I used today and is right from what you say. That makes me feel much better. The others seem to be fine in the soil I have, no signs of burn, although the ph is off so if it were on they might eat too much. The NL is the only one yellowing and seeming stunted. I didn't give her the nute dose until today though it has just been ph'd water. It was super light(I'd say 1/16) so maybe it won't kill her off. I would also hate to end up with nothing especially since I dropped like 65 bucks on the lot and already had the 2nd NL not germ. Live and learn. I am going with a 10pack of Durrrty Dragons next. Those are a steal at $23 for the whole pack. And I can make my own seeds then too since they are reg seeds. Looking forward to that but going to fix my current grow damnit. haha
Seriously, mush thanks man. And to the rest of you too. I already feel better, I just needed some guidance. :dance:
Cool. Got some pics guys. Had to send em on the ol' iPhone one more time until I have my other camera phone that isn't hooked up to take pics with this Friday. First is all four obviously, then individual. Pics are ok sorry I'm not the greatest photographer, but you should be able to tell what's going on at least. They will be labeled as to which is which when you click on them. That little discoloring on the end of the CCaramel leaf is just a small piece of husk that hasn't fallen off yet. Thanks people.


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    All four babies.JPG
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  • Crit Mass day 7.JPG
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  • AKR day 3.JPG
    AKR day 3.JPG
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