Allo folks. I'm bored and trying to get high enough to get sleepy so I figured I'd give a little update. The threads seem a little dead tonight. Sunday, I guess...
We were gone again today for most of the day. It was my pops birthday so we went and hung out with him and drank a couple brews and smoked some purps and ate home-made Mexican food. Another good day with the family

He has a little garden in the back with some peppers, tomatoes and pumpkins going, and up above it on the edge of the shed he made an awesome watering system for his little garden. It's a hose run up a post of the shed and fitted into an inch or so pvc pipe and ran down a few feet and on the end was a fixture he put together with two swivel shower heads that can be positioned. So ya just turn the water on and voila. Done.
I thought it was really neat and when he wasn't looking I pushed a couple mid seeds down into an empty spot next to the peppers. haha He does not know I grow and would be pissed even though we smoke together. It'll be funny when/if those seeds sprout in several days since it will get watered. He'll be like "what the hell?" And either leave them or pull and tell me about them, he won't be mad about that though, it's kind of a joke I would tell him I was just fucking with him, lol. Anyways...down to business.
All three gals have definitely shown improvements from this morning, which is fantastic. Even my CMass that was pretty healthy before transplant drooped and bit and the tips yellowed, but when I opened the tent after we got back tonight she was back to pointing up and looking better.
The CCaramel had already yellowed pretty bad so she did so even more because of the transplant, but she too is looking better. I just expect new growth from her and the rest to die probably. I doubt those parts will green back up too much, but maybe.
The AkRyder is similar in form to the CC, but not quite as bad really, which is weird because the AKR has been third in line the whole grow and now they're(CC and AKR) doing equally as good. Or should I say not so good, haha.
The little spindly hairs that are coming out of the top of my CM have got to be the pistils for the top cola I guess. It is definitely not more vertical growth at least nothing is coming up but multiple hairs that look like the start of bud, nice. I wonder if she will get any taller. She is about 6 inches(15cm) now. At least they are turning around instead of dying, I guess the transplant was a success. And that was only a day so I imagine that after several we'll be good now because of the Promix.
Other than that I have
got to figure out something with my ventilation, it's hard to keep the temps down. It has been working ok, but I am always trying something new and sometimes it spikes and it's really aggravating, haha. It's just getting hotter here so that isn't helping. I am exhausting into the same room that the closet is in and it is fine some days, or was to start with even though I haven't changed anything about it. I know this isn't preferred I just haven't figured something else out. I can't really cut a hole and run into my ceiling, I am renting plus no saw to do so or know how. I guess I could run duct to my window but I would have to run out of the closet and that would be very visable and I need to keep my door opened. Although if I could get that warm exhaust air going completely outside instead of in the same room, I could probably close my door and it be fine. Hmmm. I have central A/C so ya know it works better when all the doors are open for flow, but it might work with exhausting outside. The thing is, I am not sure of a good way to do that. I need it to be air tight besides the 4 inch hole for the duct, and for the window to not be able to be opened from the outside(for security of course) and for it not to be seen from the outside. My window is in the back yard and kinda covered but we live in town so I gotta be careful. Any ideas guys?