Thanks Jumper again for the advise. That's why my EC is high, I keep thinking that I didn't give much A&B, how could it possible. I don't use silicon, which one do you use? I only use Rhizotonic for the first 2 weeks, then I stopped. I will try the fungus in my next coco grow.
I use Buddahs Tree Silicon. Every feed till flush. Sillcon like Calcium aids with nutrient uptake at a cellular level - so I believe.
I use Rhizo through to week 2 - 3 of flower. It is cheap - why not. The roots are the name of the game!!! Well it is at my levels
Drop the cal/mag and you will be good. Praying you want. Tacoing you don't!
Temp wise ... I am happy up to 30C. That is when the fan kicks in. The tent now runs 28 avg. I keep the drop to 3c over 24hr.
Weed I have seen grown in Jamaica or Thaialnd or even Spain or Portugal is much warmer climates.
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