New Grower Mephisto - Sour Crack again

I think I will get 3 zips from her. I will take her down Sunday. She is day 58! Day 6 of flush, hence the fading. Foxtailing crazy thanks to 30C+ everyday!

Yours are beautifully trained and should yield much more.

This one loved OverDrive. EC never above 0.75, but my base is 0.

Look at those buds :drool: You are doing an excellent job there jumper!!!
Day 53 - Been water her every other day with Canna Boost 3ml/L. She is fattening up, another 10 days or so? I really love this strain, so easy to grow, no problem at all!


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I reckon you could squeeze 20 days out of her. The buds will fatten up tons over the last 14 days.
I would love to give it 20 days more but I think I will harvest her on day 62 or so, as husband is running out. I reckon she will give me 1oz, if I am lucky! Anyway, I am still happy the way she is, the shape, the ease of grow etc, and her leaves look so pretty now :smoking:
Day 57 - Still feeding her 3ml/L every other day, leaves look so pretty!


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Day 61 - Increase the Boost to 4ml/L, she is getting fatter everyday! I can't help but keep thinking she is just so beautiful!


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Day 62 - Harvested! She was down due to more amber appeared. Wet weight was 132.6g and after 5 days drying, dry weight is 40.8g. She is not a big plant, easy to grow, I was hoping to get 2oz from her but expected around 1oz, so far I am very happy with this strain!

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