Indoor FFOF & Happy Frog Seedling Comparison Grow

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Thanks brotha! :smokebuds: Since I cut WAAAAAAY back on the amount of nutes at feeding time everything is nice and lush green. I hope it stays and I better keep it that way!! But seriously with the HF all I've had to do is give them half of half doses of each -- grow nat, bloom nat, EQ, & DD and everything has gone well so far! *knocks on wood* That was definitely the biggest problem with the last run. TOO much nutes and obviously the overload of K. This time I'm on the right track! :thumbs:

Technically the only ones that have gotten nutes since I realized my mistakes were the NYLPD female (Fed Once) and the AA2. Well, and my Photo and she's fine now too.
The male is really starting to get his sacks going LOL got balls hanging off 3 nodes... lol Things are looking good so far! Thanks for stopping by ILI!
hey west everything looking great bro got me wanting to take a road trip to try some of that hbd out!
We could meet halfway! LOL :smokebuds: This NYLPD lady is blowing up! I'll have to get pics of her and her hubby lol they both blew up in the last 24 hrs it's crazy! I LOVE grow bags! LOL
Where we meeting lol I wanna try some out, maybe swap some beans too. :smokebuds: If your not too far I wouldnt mind lol im serious......
They are looking prime my brotha! They did very well in 1 gallon bags, makes me wanna run more plants in smaller pots. The tier probally had alot to do with the height you got, given more vertical room for the tap root to grow down. Tried to rep you bro but it won't let me. :thumbs:
Hey Jackal thanks so much man! Means a lot coming from you bro! It really varied... A few that weren't tiered got over 2ft tall. The AA sativa and HBD sativa got pretty darn tall tiered. Overall I'm very happy with them and with the grow bags. I would be curious to see what you would do in smaller pots. If you still got the results you get now that would be proof enough for me that maybe the 1 gallon bags aren't too shabby! I don't get nearly the yields you do but we use different soil and nutes...

Basically I chose the 1 gallon grow bags so I could grow as many plants as I could in my space with the uniform of the bags instead of round pots...

I had 4 that weren't tierd out of the 3 and they all got well over 2 ft. lol So it's hard for me to tell. I think what I'm going to do now is if they are regs or I'm breeding I'm going to tier to weed stuff out. If they are fem beans I'm going right to the dirt. That's what I'm doing with the other grow I'm starting now. They are all fem autos so I'm going right to the bags. That's my thought process at the moment anyway... LOL Thanks again bro. Appreciate your constant support!
Hey what soil did you like better? i used a 50-50 mix of FFOF and Happyfrog but ran out and not sure what i wanna grab? the little shop i go to has light warrior too, what would you suggest? Im going to be grabbing more then one bag so i dont mind mixing
Hey Grindin'! I'm having pretty good luck with FFOF/HF mix with the NYLPD male and female (first time I've mixed them). The rest are all in straight HF. I would definitely go with HF over LW. You'd be good either way I think. (straight HF or 50/50 HF/OF) I tend to have to give a tad more nutes with straight HF (and I do mean a tad LOL) and use very small doses with the 50/50 mixture. IMO I would stay with HF or 1/2 n 1/2. LW is just too light from my research. It might set you back a bit...

So keep doing what you're doing mixing or go straight HF. I'd pass on the LW personally. Hope that helps you man! You're doing great over there! :smokebuds:

LW is simply TOO light for MJ I believe. From my research on other's grows it seems they don't have a very good start in LW at all. Much smaller results first few weeks and with Autos you want the best start you can get period. :D
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