Indoor FFOF & Happy Frog Seedling Comparison Grow

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:crying: Charlie Murphaaaay!! :crying: I think that is the FUNNIEST Dave Chappelle skit of all time. That whole thing with Rick James & Charlie Murphy is a pisser man! LMFAO You can buy another couch!! What about my leeeeeeeeegs?!?!?! I do that when the Wife and I are watching football and they get a leg cramp... "What about my leeeeeeeg??" LOL

As you know I like to use the "Four Thumbs Down" line a lot LOL It's a shame... I heard he quit smoking...

Here's pics of the rest of the gang as of today... They aren't dressed up for Halloween but they will have all their clothes off pretty soon!

NYLPD 1 & 2
NYLPD1 #1_10-31-11.JPGNYLPD1 #2_10-31-11.JPGNYLPD1 #3_10-31-11.JPG


NYLPD Male I'm keeping for pollen... When will he be ready to drop pollen?
NYLPD MALE 1_10-31-11 .JPGNYLPD MALE 2_10-31-11.jpg

The AA1 (almost done) and AA 2, 3, 4, & 5
AA1 #1_10-31-11.JPGAA1 #2_10-31-11.JPGAA1 #3_10-31-11.jpgAA1 #4_10-31-11.JPGAA1 #5_10-31-11.JPGAA1 #6_10-31-11.JPG

AA2-4 #1_10-31-11 mb.JPGAA2-4 #2_10-31-11 mb.jpg

AA5_10-31-11 sd.JPG

HBD 1 @ Day 66
HBD 1 #1_10-31-11 D66.JPGHBD 1 #2_10-31-11 D66.JPGHBD 1 #3_10-31-11 D66.JPGHBD 1 #4_10-31-11 D66.JPG

HBD 7 @ DAY 56
HBD 7 #1_10-31-11 D57.JPGHBD 7 #2_10-31-11 D57.JPGHBD 7 #3_10-31-11 D57.JPG

So I'm going to try getting some NYLPD pollen and AA pollen. We'll see how it goes. I may need some help here buds... My biggest problem is I don't have a secure spot to put him. No windows, no other floor. Now that it's pretty much winter here now with the freezing temps at night I can't put him outside. Only thing is I have a mini fridge that I can use but how do I keep him from pollinating the other girls across the house (turn the heat on & off randomly to take the edge off) through the central air/heat vents? I can put the fridge in my master closet but I'll have to put lighting in there with him no? What a few CFL's then? How long do I have to keep him like that?

Sorry for all the questions but, I've never ever made seeds and I don't want to spoil my girls that I have now. I want to do some branches maybe now and keep some for later crossing. Let me know what you all think about that and how I can isolate him properly... Sometime I would like to do a seed run and just let nature take it's course... But right now I don't have the set up or time to do that. Plus, the Herbie's order should be here anyday and I'd like to have pollen to cross with those fems... I got some plans up ahead... :firedevil:

"Cmon, I have a little more sense than that..... Yeah I remember stompin that N--- couch!" lol the replay... lol

yeah def the best chapelle skit ever...

for polly in your sit.:

Mossys K.I.S.S.
where there is no second room...and you don't want a Full are a few ideas
First of all...
You Don't need the Full male.
If you bring a male up to sex....there are a number of option.
ALL of these need to be done in a warm dry place.
Damp/moisture KILLS pollen.
Take him out of the grow him in another warm dry area..
it doesn't even have to be in the light...he will Start flowering..and drop pollen.
Take him out of the grow room and remove a couple of the long-stemmed flower spikes...
Put in a glass of water..he will flower and pollenate same as Any other cut flower.
Take him out of the grow room...cut him down...
make a paper bag out of a couple of pages of newspaper....
pop him in and hang the Bag up...
in a couple of days he will have shed enough pollen in the bag to make a pollenation.
Manual pollenation is best done with a SOFT paint brush.
Dab the paint brush down into the pistils/ insect legs transfering pollen into them.
Pistils will Normally wizen and start to withdraw within 24 hours..
unless you have a cold set up...and the transpiration in slowed.
about keeping the male a couple cfls should do i run 4 23w cfls 2 2700k and 2 daylight spectrum but that's why i like the tiered method when they show i just pull the cup and put it in another cup and into the male box i like to keep them small
also the sacks will swell before it starts to drop pollen
yeah, tha works too.. i use a little freezer as a male chmber... but you still have to vent seperate... or like super hepa filter... or water filter is best... but complex to engineer...


best to make second exhaust line outside... away from intake on other room...
"what do you think I just did things just to do them? Yeah I remember wipin' my feet all over Eddie's couch... Cocaine's a hellava drug!..." He died shortly after that... How Ironic... He was a nut, man. "I'm Rick James B*tch!"

So I should pull him now then right? Well, what if I put him in another closet on the other side of the house? I have the vent in my grow room closed and we don't run the heat that much really... Would that be alright to just put him in the closet with any light on? Do I have to wait for him to grow more before cutting the pollen sacks off of him or the stick rather... He hasn't gotten a "stick" yet... Sorry guys, I just like to be reassured before doing something for the first time.

Also, after I get the pollen... When do I dust the girl? Immediately? How old do the girls have to be or at what stage? And how long does it take seeds to develop properly? He showed sex a few days ago... Thanks again guys, any help is GREATLY appreciated... Greatly. :bow:
you could try that maybe set it down in a large box with open top with a couple cfl over it when you start collecting the pollen how do you plan on catching it
good info on the manual pollination.

plants are looking great as always rebel and those buds are really filling out.

nice indeedy mate:D
you could try that maybe set it down in a large box with open top with a couple cfl over it when you start collecting the pollen how do you plan on catching it

I just this morning got those free vials from that site you gave me a few pages back! +rep for that bro! Should I put a piece of paper under him to catch the pollen? So how long til he begins to drop pollen? Just watch him? Right now really there is only one female that CAN be pollinated. The other girls are too old right? The ones over 55 days... I only have that one NYLPD female that will be 30 days on the 4th... When will she be ready to be pollinated...
Children of the Closet... :)

So you all can see what all I have going on right now...

I have 2 HBD's finishing up. 1 AA finishing up.

3 AA's that are just a few days short of a month old.

1 AA that is a few days old

1 Male NYLPD being kept for pollen

1 Female NYLPD that is nearly a month old.

1 NYLPD seedling that is a week or so old.

HBD 1 -- DAY 68
HBD 1 #1_11-2-11.JPGHBD 1 #2_11-2-11.JPGHBD 1 #3_11-2-11.JPG

HBD 2 -- DAY 59
GP4_11-2-11.JPG <<<---That is HBD 2 on the left. HBD 1 on the right.

Assassin 1 -- DAY 61
AA1 #1_11-2-11 d60.JPGAA1 #2_11-2-11 d60.JPGAA1 #3_11-2-11 d60.JPG

AA2 (She was tiered into 1 gallon bag of fresh HF & a bed of Myco to rest her feet on!)
AAxmb1 #1_11-2-11.JPGAAxmb1 #2_11-2-11.JPG

Some shots of them in the Closet...
GP1_11-2-11.JPG<<<--- Two more AA's on top left and middle that have yet to show sex. Bottom left is NYLPD Female. AA tiered next to her and the NYLPD male on bottom right. Top right is HBD2.

GP2_11-2-11.JPG<<<--- Those babies in the middle prepped to be tiered are NYLPD in middle and AA on middle right.

GP3_11-2-11.JPG<<<--- NYLPD Female on left. New AA female tiered on right.

Last group shot... I know I'm getting repetitive... Sorry! :lol:

NYLPD Male Day 27
NYLPD MALE_11-2-11 d27.JPG
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