Indoor FFOF & Happy Frog Seedling Comparison Grow

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the debate about whether canna is addictive or non-addictive will rage for ever depending on how one defines "addictive" - I think it's fair to say though that soon our own WVR is gonna be well and truely addicted to breeding canna!!! I for one am more than happy to see you get addicted though!!

LOL I guess you could say that Mate! Addiction in stages... See I've been smoking everyday for the last 11 yrs pretty much... I started growing at the end of May and haven't stopped since... I can see a pattern here... :crying:

I just hope I can be as good at growing as I am at smoking!! :crying:

Cheers Matey! :smokebuds: I just hope to make you all proud!!
The Last HBD -- DAY 76...

My HBD 1 (the first to germ and last one standing!) is at Day 76 today... She's 85% - 90% milky and 15% - 10% clear. Going to test some later to see if I'm gonna chop her tomorrow or let her go a few more days. I don't see any amber at all and at this age I'm sure this pheno won't amber.

The NYLPD males are segregated. I've been starting to collect pollen. The Taller one has only like 6 sacks open yet... the Shorter one has 2 about to open so the pollen collecting has yet to really kick off. When I dust the girls you all will be the first to know! :D

HBD @ day 76
HBD1 #1_11-10-11 day76.JPGHBD1 #2_11-10-11 day76.JPGHBD1 #3_11-10-11 day76.JPGHBD1 #4_11-10-11 day76.JPG

AA1 @ day 31
AA1 #1_11-10-11 day31 mb1.JPGAA1 #2_11-10-11 day31 mb1.JPG

AA2 @ day 14
AA2_11-10-11 day14 sd.JPG

NYLPD Female day 33
NYLPD #1_11-10-11 day33.JPGNYLPD #2_11-10-11 day33.JPGNYLPD #3_11-10-11 day33.JPGNYLPD #4_11-10-11 day33.JPGNYLPD #5_11-10-11 day33.JPG

Group Shot of NYLPD F on left and AA1 on right
NYLPDF & AA1_11-10-11 d33 & d31.JPG
Very nice WVR!! That HBD is beastly man... and all in 1 gallon of soil! I might just give them a shot next grow. Can squeeze alot more in my room at that rate for sure. Congrats!!
Hey thanks very much JEMman!! :D Appreciate it! Yeah they have worked very well for me. I'm continuing to use them for sure. Plus that one is tiered. Started in a 32 oz McDonald's Sweet Tea cup lol Then in to the 1 gallon grow bag. Not sure if that's a pheno or a product of tiering honestly! You will like them if you have a small space for sure. That's why I tried them in the first place and they definitely are great for lots of plants in a small space. :D

Harvest Pictures!

Forgot to post these a few days ago... Some shots of the AA and HBD #7 after being chopped...


Last HBD Harvested... Day 79

The last of the HBD's has been harvested... She was chopped on day 79. She is nearly 100% milky. She did not show amber. I'll have harvest pictures later. There has been a few changes going on... Had to pull some males I didn't want or need. I've been collecting pollen but getting very little at a time... I'm about to change some things up so I can get more...

At this point I have one AA female & one NYLPD female (my other fems are on a different thread) They will be pollinated with the Tall Male NYLPD and as soon the short NYLPD male starts to drop pollen they will be dusted with his as well.

I'm about to water the girls so I'll get pictures up a little later along with harvest shots. Been a rough week as far as sleep schedules changing and such. Haven't had time for pictures but I'll get some up if not later... Tomorrow. I can't wait get the dusting going on!

If I touch the male too hard or knock him around by accident, some of his little hard pollen sacks (I'm assuming the new ones, they are hard and small) pop off and fall off... Is this normal or am I not giving him something he needs? Just want to make sure... I've never done this before so I don't wanna screw up! :D
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