Indoor FFOF & Happy Frog Seedling Comparison Grow

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Looks like things are coming along well. Good vibes sent your way for a female mutant!
The Mutant IS A GIRL!!! WOO HOO!!! :dance: :booya: :jump:

Here's some pics of her and the Assassin Seedling... The other 3 were duds... two didn't germ even after taking a razor blade to them and the third germ'd but the taproot turned brown and quit growing. I'm to give them another go as soon as I chop on of my Snow Ryder girls this week. The Mutant is going into a 2 or 3 gallon pot! I want to let her get as big as she can get!

OUR LITTLE ASSASSIN_8-3-11.JPG Assassin seedling is doing great! Starting her second true node.

and The Mutant lol

THE MUTANT #1_8-3-11.JPG She's 32 days old. Showed pistils at exactly 30 days.
THE MUTANT #2_8-3-11.JPG THE MUTANT #3_8-3-11.JPG <----Notice her cola split and branched off?? First for me!!

THE MUTANT #4_8-3-11.JPG
hey gz on the mutant girl:smokebuds: bet she's gonna turn out nice for ya
Hey Killa. Thanks for always following my threads! Yeah we have a feeling she's going to yield a good amount! Be nice to get a couple zips! Be happy with just one but you never know with the way this girl is growing! And she'll be ready just in time for College Football! :dance:
Looking good WV! You're well on your way.

It's funny, I've never had any problems with germination. Now suddenly, like you, I am. It'll sort itself out soon, I'm sure.

Great to see things moving along well. I know you're having fun with the little mutant girl, there. :D
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