Indoor FFOF & Happy Frog Seedling Comparison Grow

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There's no lime to begin with in OF, they use egg shells to balance the pH. I started using ProMix since it already has lime added.
I believe my bag says Oyster Shells for pH balance... Not egg shells... I'm sure there's a difference no?
LOL, yeah I knew it was some kind of shells.
Seems to me OF is pretty dialed in then. That link on oyster shell lime seems like it's a great pH balancer.
Here's pictures of the current seedlings. These 4 are Snow Ryder. I'm still waiting on the AA's to pop up. Been 24 hours now.

This one is the one that I put right into FFOF because it wouldn't germinate in the paper towel. It is the biggest out of our Snow Ryder seedlings right now.

SR#1 FFOF .JPG Here it is next to the second SR seedling that wasn't started in OF. Notice the differece! SR#1 & SR#2 COMPARISON.JPG

Here's SR #3 &#4. They weren't started in the OF either... SR#3 .JPGSR#4.JPG

As soon as the AA's show their heads I'll post 'em! Thank you guys for following along!
Got yourself a decent start there, man. That one does look healthier, overall, from the pics. :peace:
Thanks JD! I'm hoping to make Snow Ryder seeds with this grow. Be nice to have a good amount so I won't have to buy them again. At least for a while. If it's going to be as good as I think I'm sure I'll want to grow it again!
A quick update... I'll post some pics here in a few or tomorrow. Been a long day! The SR seedlings are coming along fairly well. I'm pretty sure I have one male which is fine really because I plan on making SR seeds. The Assassin still hasn't popped out... I may have to split one side of each of them with a razor or knife. I don't feel comfortable cracking them with my teeth. I dug around a bit yesterday and the seeds are still just laying in the dirt. I will give them a few more days.

The one SR seedling that was started in the OF is BLOWING UP. Really, she's left the others in the dust but there's one strange thing going on... It looks like she has split into two main colas! I'll post pics so you can see and comment but it's strange. After a few nodes it started growing all weird. I don't know if Auto's tend to do this but I haven't seen anything like this in my research. Maybe one of you all have but, it's pretty cool. I just hope it's a female! Be nice to have two fat ass colas! I'll get some pics of her up soon. Hope to have a call about the Light Warrior tomorrow. We'll see.
So here's the "mutant" lol Maybe you guys can tell me what's going on with it? It has growth everywhere, hasn't showed sex yet, and looks like it split into two at the one node... Now this seed is the ONLY one that didn't germ in the paper towel. It started out so tiny I thought it was going to be a dwarf. Then in the last week it blew up into this...


Here's the other 3 seedlings along side the big one.

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