Indoor FFOF & Happy Frog Seedling Comparison Grow

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LOL Thanks Asi! Every time I see Kudo around I can't help but have this scene pop in my head! LOL Good shit my brother! :smokebuds:
Thanks StickyBuds! I am very proud of my "Children of the Closet" lol I still sit back in amazement... They are starting to smell like Diesel fuel. Hoping to get some Blueberry phenos in there! Thanks a lot man! :D
My last AA I was waiting on is a GIRL!!! Strangely enough... at the stroke of midnight I was in the room looking her over and found the lone pistil that is the indication of many pistils to come in the next few days!! She took exactly 30 days to show.

SO when I got the Happy Frog I germinated 7 HBD's & 3 Assassin. Out of 10 plants I ended up with 9 girls. All 7 HBD's and 2 out of 3 AA's. I'm diggin' these ratios!! I will be tiering the AA into HF tonight. Now my crop is set. 10 young girls and 1 that will be 7 weeks tomorrow. Plus the two Burmese Kush females I have that have their own thread in the Photosensitive section... 9 auto fems and 2 photo fems. :howdy: At this point... I would have to say Happy Frog has a higher female to male ratio than Ocean Forest. And is better for starting Autos. In my opinion from everything I've done and experienced from the beginning.

So in retrospect because I don't know how long I'm going to continue this thread -- I may start a new one for my next run. Which is already germinating... 4 more NYLPD's and 6 AA's. I know I was going to run all 8 NYLPD's but I want to save on them so I'm doing half for now. Will also save me on some space. The closet is getting a make over in a few. Soon as we get our camera back I'll update pics. Mine is dead at the moment...
:booya: you have a way with the ladies!

Nice assortment of goodies there - I dont think Santa will want to leave your place when he visits at christmas!
Sheesh...Another FEMALE... who would of guessed...I'm thinking Happy Frog will be my base for future grows with the results you are pulling WVR!

You even got more god man...You just can't get enough girls can ya :pimp:

Keep up the the good grows and I am looking forward to the harvest to come. :thumbs:
hey west good to hear bro on another girl i swear u gonna have that closet packed in tight lol wish i had as good m/f ratio!
Glaucoma! Hey bro! Yeah Santa's eyes will be as red as his suit after he leaves our place!! :crying:

Sir C! Thanks for your constant support man! I truly believe that the ingredients in the Happy Frog... The low N-P-K, the Humic Acid, most importantly the Myco...Makes for an incredible beginnig. For Autos... LOL See my wife is the driving force behind me and the girls so if she says more I have to do more! LOL Got to keep perpetuals going otherwise we get no smoke... Not good for the wife or myself! I appreciate the nice comments bro. This harvest is going to be nuts!!

Killa! Thanks a lot my brother! Yeah I'm making adjustments for the new children to be!! :D
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