#Fastbuds GrowBattle part 2

GG automatic beauty from my glasshouse ;) i have lots of work with her... lst, defol., rotating... :crying:

Nah man...the claw like that is not ph I don't believe..Plant wants less N and wants more P and K...evident by the slight yellowing of under leaves and middle of bud site areas..

My $.02
yeah I was thinking N at first, but I think it is possibly both not N alone. Yellowing could be iron def. IMO...Also I don't think it's wants less N as it's hard to say from lighting. but They certainly do not look N toxic IMO. ph flush would be my first choice and see how she looks after 12-24 hrs.
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yeah I was thinking N at first, but I think it is possibly both not N alone. Yellowing could be iron def. IMO...Also I don't think it's wants less N as it's hard to say from lighting. but They certainly do not look N toxic IMO. ph flush would be my first choice and see how she looks after 12-24 hrs.
I don't mean n toxic..just a bit too much..bad ph will always show with some splotchyness here and there..she Looks clean off that..
I don't mean n toxic..just a bit too much..bad ph will always show with some splotchyness here and there..she Looks clean off that..
and I was just saying that usually when there is clawing, yeah N is always thought of first, but there is underlying condition with ph not allowing nutes to be taken in, or am I wrong?
even excessive humidity can make the broad leaves curl down.A common mistake is to mistake a nutrient deficiency with a PH imbalance. A PH imbalance will cause your roots to be unable to take up nutrients and can even damage the roots. Anytime you see a possible nutrient imbalance such as yellowing, necrosis, or other signs of plant damage you should double check your PH before adjusting nutrients.
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