#Fastbuds GrowBattle part 2

Love the video work as well. It's a real gift for you to share all that experience through the medium of annotated video. Makes it easy to understand and assimilate. I've already been experimenting more aggressively with on of my plants based on your tutorials. Many thanks --- I know that stuff takes a lot of time and attention to detail to produce as clearly as you have.
Hey thanks a lot man..nice of you to say..Yes..takes tons of time to document all this on mutilple sites..I need to find more time..or a secretary would be nice...Lol

Thanks for watching
My blackberry! She's a surprise every day! 38 days above ground! From here on out, she's going UP!
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Unique thanks alot mate.my 2 girls should be far bigger at this stage, but they were set back and went without a fan and light for 5 days about a week ago.my timer failed while i was away with the kids during half term.so shocked them alot.im suprised they bounced back this good.they bringing me the buds thats the main thing.happy growing;)
yeah I know what ya mean, mine slightly behind also. But after seeing everyones are, I didn't sweat it much. seems everyone entering rapid growth now so all our next set of shots should be looking rather sweet!
here are my girl's after little trim today, the neck on my pineapple express is kinda long but the rest will catch up. my GSC is very bushy, but we'll fix that too. today they were fed again. Maybe in P.E. photo your able to see some slight cal/mag issue with 2 stalks,it's very minor and I didn't bother making any changes in feed due to that as I think it will correct itself after this feeding..