#Fastbuds GrowBattle part 2

Good day growers.so i been away on holiday for 5 days,keeping kids happy during half term.i was relying on my timer to keep my girls happy.but i was wrong ,got home today and lights were off ,no fan running.timer did not do its job:(and my girls are stretched and stressed.gutted.the 2 smaller girls were to stretched with only 2 nodes of growth so they have been destroyed.so just a 2 plant grow now.my 2 comp girls.my topped tangie matic on the left and the girl scout on the right. Both just had there first feed of life with some medicine and some mollases to cure there shock just hope dont end up with 2 hermies.i will start training these girls tomorrow to maximize my yield and fill up the tent.here theyare day 25 of life today;)
will be back tmz with pics of my training.happy growing every1;)
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@Green75 Congrats on having your video featured by Fast Buds on their morning Wake and Bake on Instagram this morning!!
And they want you to grow every strain they have??? Wow, very cool & well deserved!!

Btw why don't you have it listed on here that you are a test grower for them??? It's only showing you growing for Seedsman, no mention of Fast Buds.

So day 26 for both plants and training has been applied.been a while since i trained a girl.so im looking forward to creating a monster,here is topped tangie matic,she is the 1 to watch gna be a monster;)
and here is girl scout cookie i will make her a respectable lady;)
auto sisters together;)
in 1 week these ladies will look alot better see u then.happy growing every1;)
What are you doing with those leaves tied up like that...why not just cut them off.. Sorry never seen such a thing.. did you lose your snips..

It's called ponytailing. Its a form of lst that gets light to lower leaves.
There are some awesome plants in this comp!! Great job everyone!! Today we are starting the dirty thirties! 30 days young today! Seems like just yesterday she was celebrating her sweet 16. I brought out the tinker toys because Sticky Minaj is on the stretch! Lol.. Gotta keep that canopy even! All she's had is aqua, Mammoth P, Recharge and [HASHTAG]#Autocob[/HASHTAG] rays .. No nutes. Healthy and happy!