#Fastbuds GrowBattle part 2

Second one starts 8th of may to allow voting time in the first comp

I Think it is a Fine Idea @Ripper ..13 Brave Champion of Champion Gladiators in the Final Battle...with only 1 becoming Crowned [HASHTAG]#fastbudsgroweroftheyear[/HASHTAG] 2017

@Mossy I have LSD-25 on the way.
I hope you like to get stoned and suddenly have the energy to bs all night on the internet, clean, the house, make some cannabis oil and this is all before sunrise. :rofl: Nice thing about it is it's mostly indica and doesn't make you feel anxious while gaining all this energy. Plus the fricking buds are hard little THC rich nugs. :smoking:

Good luck with your grow and enjoy the smoke. I know I do. :pass: