#Fastbuds GrowBattle part 2

Because the Sponsored Grow Battles are New..I'll explain the Rules as I go along.

There are Two Legs First one started 1st Feb

Second one starts 1st May.

Same dates next year..lets get a Tradition going.

Top 5 winners from either leg will go through to a Final Battle of Champions starting 1st September.
No other Entrants will be Accepted in the Final Battle of Champions and it will be used to decide [HASHTAG]#fastbudsgroweroftheyear[/HASHTAG] .

Top 5 winners will also be given the chance to Test out for the [HASHTAG]#cannazone seed test team[/HASHTAG] growing all the New to site Seed Tests that come along....:d5:

If you are In the first leg and aren't sure if you will place..:d5:..book a Provisional place on this leg..no Problems.
If you Place on the first leg..:headbang:..and still Want to compete in the second leg..no probs either..:headbang:..it gives us someone to Play against.

Have Fun. :bighug: