Fast Buds Fastbuds C4 on Mexican Airlines Flight 420

Where did u get you grow glasses. All the ones I find are around $80. they are cheap and work GREAT! the camera doesnt do it justice... they make it like your in normal daylight.. i gave them to my girl to put on and she didnt know what they were for and just thouht they were sunglasses so she put them on and all she had to say was "WOW....."
and thanks @Bailey ! the mex air's are slow to grow their first true set of leaves it seems to be the strain and not my doing so im happy there!
the mex air's are slow to grow their first true set of leaves it seems to be the strain and not my doing so im happy there!

Let them do, maybe the aircrew is still loading the catering in the plane ;)
Very amusing thread, guys. What a show! Are you guys willing to go to Cancún or what? hahaha Very funny. thanks. It can be a top thread. Has @The Elvis noticed it? I miss his jukebox sounding ;)
Damn trip we have a celebrity on board I'm pretty sure it's the ceo of the airline quickly get some tips and autographe lol
I'm sure @The Elvis has left the building without his blue Sw shoes lol
No Im here and subbed!!!!!

elvis smile mic.jpg
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@The Elvis i got s story about The King that proly no one will believe but my great grandfather on my mothers side was a sergeant in the same platoon or whatever as Elvis was and have pics of them 2, arm in arm with mugs of beer in Germany... its a great picture man and my grandmother also has letters/note from him. Its pretty cool:headbang: