Fast Buds Fastbuds - Blackberry (Merlins First Fastbuds Grow)

@Merlin.BAMF mix it with the water as you would with other nutes. As its powder its 1g/L but im on a schedule from the actual testers so they showed me how much my ec needs to be every week and how to put them in super mode!! They are heavy feeders these gsc but they are exploding now!!
I ordered some hawaiian bud powder feed
Its P level is 50
So im sure it calls for dilution
Ive never heard of that mate!! Im talking green house seed co powder feed. Designed by arjan and franco from green house and strain hunters. There is all different varieties
Whered u get it from?
I def wanna check into that
I have some arjans strawberry haze going outdoors this year
May come in handy
Here she is finally.......
I sure hope this one goes as welll as my Berry Ryder went or better.....
She really looks nice on the page i ended up gettin her from, i just hope mine look that way when i finish up with them......

Fastbuds - Day 0 still
Should break surface in a few more days

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Hey Merlin, does your pot have one end with no holes on the last row?? It looks like you got it upside down. If you leave the solid row at the top it makes watering easier, less leakage and mess
Yeah I feel you merlin got to get the gettin while the gettin is good brother.
Yeah I'm sure the heat kills you working construction in the summer. But hey that's what you grow for right, to always make life better.
Ive never used either
But will try both now