Lighting Fast & Vast Auto lights

Feb 2, 2019
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Hi about to do second grow of 6x fast and Vast, did the last 4 with 600 watt HPS with digital ballast. My mate said I’ll get more yeild if I add another light. I’m in a 120x120 (4ftx4ft) tent. I don’t want to spend loads I’m growing to make rso for Dad with cancer and after these 2x grows I’ll pack it all away.

Any advice appreciated
Mate. You don’t need any more light
Sorry to hear about your old man. Really am sorry. I know how this feels
Just to let you know why I said no more light. You have 4x4. Meaning you have semetrical light set up yeh? 1 hanging above a 4 of the x4. With me ? So each light is covering it perfectly. You would get more yield if the light could penetrate through. But how much we don’t know. I would not advise it. My lights are mainly 300-600 w and I do great in a 2.4x2.4. But it’s scrog. 0.80 wide and just under 6 meters long. That’s my opinion bud. Others In here may have a better idea for you. Don’t loose hope on my one opinion bud
Cool thanks for the advice