Indoor Fast n Vast LED / DWC Grow

This strain broke my cherry :) I didnt do it justice, never do your first time lol. The grows ive seen on AFN with these its not uncommon to see like 4oz or more a plant. I love how many phenos this strain has. The one in the top right in the first pic is a real beauty.
looking dam good brv let me give you:slap: and yep i would waiting that Extra time,oh yh Hop digity,i posting some of my girl later and she one big bud :Sharing One:look forward to trying her out Peace Kudo.jpg
They are on there way to living up to half there name VAST But not so fast but that is ok you know you have great genetics when it takes time. I am gong to try them in 2015 for sure
I love this strain so far! iv got 4 in my tent at the moment and they are all looking nice and bushy :) I did also notice on herbies site that heavyweight have brought out a new one called "2 Fast 2 Vast" So i might give that a try next time! Your girls are looking amazing m8!

Thanks for the all the love, still going strong, excited to finish.

Got some big plans for my next go
Sub'ing into this one as I will be starting a F&V soon myself, I think. Or the 2F2V version. Haven't decided yet. Have about 2 weeks before I order seeds. Even though I have photo bag seed, I want to grow something that I know what it is.

After a defoliation before I cut em down.

Finally finished up (Day I cut down) today at day day 78 - 80. I'll have to check my log book.

I'll post some final weight and dry / cure pictures as soon as possible.
Thanks for the updates bro! Looking real good! Can't wait to see some more pics!
More pics! More pics! More pics!

I have Massive Midgets in germination right now. Can't wait!