New Grower Farqual’s critical Purple coco grow ( late to the party)


T5’s till I di....break down and get cobs..
Nov 11, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Alright so these are the girls. Picked up some critical Purple autos from growerschoice and ran them. We are on week nine on one and week seven on the other. Been running mostly the canna line to keep it light which is a change from my normal cns17 formula but what the hell im learning about my new babies [emoji16]. I’ll add some more details about the setup in a few but for now some love from the ladies....

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Alright we are on day 58 and day 51 for the girls. Have them about half a gallon of foods this morning after their ph flush and one day starve to clean out salts. My recipe is 7 ml of canna coco, 1ml of rhizotonic, 9.5 ml of cannazym, 5 ml of liquid koolbloom, .6 ml of mammothP, and 2.5 ml of cal mag plus. Lights have been on 24/7 since the first week and we are on a slow fattening of the buds at this point. I’m not so patient when it comes to this part. Ugh. Can’t they just be fat and smelly already?! Hope everyone is having a wonderfully lazy Sunday morning and happy growing :pass:

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Did a little defol. They’ve been growing water leaves like mad and taking up all the light... don’t want sad little buds with no light..

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Hey buddy I’m finishing up the same strain Critical Purple from growers choice and she is a beauty ... check out my journal I’m at day 74.

I gave my a topping early and defoliated a ton she took it like a champ

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Hey buddy I’m finishing up the same strain Critical Purple from growers choice and she is a beauty ... check out my journal I’m at day 74.

I gave my a topping early and defoliated a ton she took it like a champ

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[emoji16] I’m following your journal. She is beautiful! Cant wait to see her put on some serious weight.

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So we had a little def on the pk over the last few days. Silly me has been holding back to half strength nutes the entire grow and I think it dragged one girl down a bit in production. Part of the trial and error on the autos but I can say she is looking a bit happier today. Leaves are peeking up and smell has really begun to come on strong. On a side note. The gg#4 are all looking happy after their fimming. Sure wish they were autos though. Gonna see how small I can keep them.

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The start of day 62 and 55 for the critical plus a few pics of the other girls in the room around week two from seed. Both critical are putting on some good weight since the last update. Starting to get some good little trichs and the smell oh man is it wonderful. Fruity and sour slightly toxic but all around delicious. Top of the plant is sitting around 78f ambient in the room is 71. The pk blast I gave them the other day has helped tremendously with the sag on girl 1. All are happy and well can’t wait to finish these up!! On another note. There may be some other testers in the works! I’ll keep you guys posted and give a definitive as soon as I know for sure. :) maybe just maybe I can find some other grand things to test before the end of the year!

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