f6 pulls a Homer!

Is she all knocked up where u dusted her?
Having a bit of trouble telling!

I don't think it will be the mother lode tho.

I have been doing some squeezing but not noticing much difference to the other buds. Certainly firm, caylax's not open yet. At least on most of her.

Otherwise I'd see some seeds yeah?

My eyesight and motor skills pretty average. Starting to feel a bit old and mangled lol

Just working out how the cut will happen, even if I take everything from Ruby, I'll leave the 2 pollenated stems on the main stump and stick her by herself to keel over of her own accord.

Or should I just roll with it and see what I get?

Surely I'll get a few?

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Id ride it out a bit longer if u can wait that long. U should see some swollen calyxs that start looking extra fat w red pistils. U can probe suspected calyxs w a tooth pick or needle gently to see if there a seed also.U can always take pics and enlarge them to scan at ur leisure . I know all about old and mangled if i knew i was gonna live this long i woulda took better care of me lol

A Ruby Dragon!


Just have to break down the rest and collect and grade!

I've lost one of the stems I pollinated so I guess I'll be finding random seeds for the next few months!

(edit) Got 27, all nice size and dark or mottled!
No doubt I'll get some more as I come accross the other buds that got mixed up!
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Happy bean harvest bro! Cant wait to see what u made.
Thanks! I don't need many, and I guess I'll find some more even!

Going to try the first bean that fell when I started to ply the buds!

Was a lovely sound to hear, little tinkle on the plate. Never usually like that sound! :crying:

When you say grade , what are you looking for, what makes a grade 1 seed 2;3; etc ?
Well, from my research... remember this is my first time!

Mottled is prime, then the darker seeds then smaller and or less plump I guess.

To be honest I've just put them in a pH vial apart from the first one that popped out and it's mottled.

So I guess my seeds matured enough on plant so looking good for a viable germ rate.

Seeds have some rice grains with them and are firm and look as good or better than many of my bought seeds!

Working out how I will do a batch and find best plants for crossing to full auto and home to get best genetics.

I chose Ruby for indica dom do compliment dragon genetics but also for vivid color and density. Took a chance as I haven't tried her but it's a good match to SD which he looked to be green pheno. Then again, who knows, he was a fine manchild and did not complain about being transplanted (from hydrotron lol)

Might have to do a bunch in small pots to find best cross mix. Still lots to learn!

Wasn't even sure pollenation worked I was so stressed but looks like I got what I asked for!
