f6 pulls a Homer!

I'm a bit of a noob too on the breeding thing, but I thought I'd weigh in as well. I did my second run of autos and they were all brilliant specimens compared to my first run. Strains were CBD Crack, Six Shooter, Tangie'matic and LSD-25 all by FastBuds. I wanted to recreate some CBD Crack seeds as this was my last. The first 4 weeks of growth was awesome so I knew the genetics were on point.

I took two clones from the CBD Crack and one took. It went in to flower straight away so as soon as I saw roots and knew it was viable I started spraying with colloidal silver and kept it in a separate room with an extraction fan to ensure pollen stayed away from the girls. It threw bananas in no time but also kept some of the girly bits. When it started to drop pollen I collected a very small amount and brushed one lower bud of each of the females then tied a twist tie on the branch to mark it out. This was done with fans off for 2 days, no spraying down, no change to light schedule, and minimal pollen on the brush each time I dabbed a bud. All 4 were successfully seeded with no contamination of pollen to other buds. Also, the clone pollinated itself resulting in dozens of genetic duplicates.

I harvested seeds at the same time as each plant was harvested and all so far have germinated successfully. Every seed is 99% sure to be a feminised auto-flower.

So, my query is, why bother with regular seeds? Autos will clone and the colloidal silver method means creating a self pollinating clone is next to foolproof. The only downside I guess might be a loss of recessive genes, but this is the inherent nature of breeding anyway. You would need to selectively breed the recessive values in continually.

Am I way off track? Is there an advantage to reg seeds?
So I just want to test my understanding of what you did since I am planning some pollen chucking this winter.

After 4 weeks, you took several clones of the CBD Crack, and sprayed them with CS AFTER you saw roots. Then when the clone had been successfully reversed using the CS, you collected the pollen and dusted the original CBD Crack (the one that you took the two clones from)?

My questions, how long did wait before harvesting the the original CBD Crack that had been dusted with reversed auto-fem pollen? What day did you dust and what day did you harvest is what I am asking?
What size clone did you take. 6" or larger? How many nodes were on the clones? How much pollen did they produce. Did you document on a journal that I could read? Sorry for the questions, TIA.
I'm a bit of a noob too on the breeding thing, but I thought I'd weigh in as well. I did my second run of autos and they were all brilliant specimens compared to my first run. Strains were CBD Crack, Six Shooter, Tangie'matic and LSD-25 all by FastBuds. I wanted to recreate some CBD Crack seeds as this was my last. The first 4 weeks of growth was awesome so I knew the genetics were on point.

I took two clones from the CBD Crack and one took. It went in to flower straight away so as soon as I saw roots and knew it was viable I started spraying with colloidal silver and kept it in a separate room with an extraction fan to ensure pollen stayed away from the girls. It threw bananas in no time but also kept some of the girly bits. When it started to drop pollen I collected a very small amount and brushed one lower bud of each of the females then tied a twist tie on the branch to mark it out. This was done with fans off for 2 days, no spraying down, no change to light schedule, and minimal pollen on the brush each time I dabbed a bud. All 4 were successfully seeded with no contamination of pollen to other buds. Also, the clone pollinated itself resulting in dozens of genetic duplicates.

I harvested seeds at the same time as each plant was harvested and all so far have germinated successfully. Every seed is 99% sure to be a feminised auto-flower.

So, my query is, why bother with regular seeds? Autos will clone and the colloidal silver method means creating a self pollinating clone is next to foolproof. The only downside I guess might be a loss of recessive genes, but this is the inherent nature of breeding anyway. You would need to selectively breed the recessive values in continually.

Am I way off track? Is there an advantage to reg seeds?

Regs are the gift that keeps on giving. I pioneered the clone breeding tek and im glad it is getting shared!!!! I still like my regs for the ease in which they produce pollen and i feel they make better breeders for multi generational breeding projects