f6 pulls a Homer!

AFN, definitely need's to introduce the, LMAO button, next to like... Because :crying::crying::crying::crying::worship:

Any form of breeding makes me nervous... Especially after that STI scare I had a while back!

My old fella turned a strange shade of orange! :nono:

Finally went to the doc's and the had a look, asked me a few questions etc.

Couldn't work it out!! Then the doc asks me what I've been doing for the last few weeks.

I siad, "Nothing really, I haven't been working, just sitting on the couch (ripping joints), watching chaturbate and eating Doritos..."

/f6 runs
Dang one of these days I'll finely get the gif to upload it keeps stoppin at
Gags aside, and with suggested detail.

The basic plan to pollenate.

1, everything off in the ladies room, spray surfaces and most of the bits I don't want pollenated.

2, prepare appropriate baggie and dust with pollen, bottle/wine bag, maybe sprayed with water repellant? Tie off my bags with elastic bands.

3, get Mrs f6 to make me.. moist!... And the outside of my bags!

4, gingerly approach the ladies room with my bags in hand!

5, expose my bags to Ruby, taking her gently and then stuff her in my sack. Tie off and put a ribbon on it! Shake and leave everthing off for 48hrs

6, untie and unsheath my swollen Ruby glands..

7, spray everywhere, including swolen glands!

8, repeat spraying for a few days at lights out time.

9, let my glands bask in the light until seeds become visable then put a collar on it and shake daily. (To collect any loose ones, I'm in hydro, any dropped seeds will get wet)

10, Deflower Ruby's nubile bits and leave her tainted bits to wither.

Updated plan!

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This is where f6 panic shifts from monster growth of the girls to, I have a male in the house and I'm scared I've pollenated my ladies..


Tips of pistils on many bud sites have turned orange or darker than I would expect at this stage!

I might be just paranoid as there is a lot of airflow at the moment, might have just dried out a bit..

Thread title was going to be "f6 ruins everything" but thought I should be positive!




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Here's the boy again!

I think I should do my harvesting an hit the Ruby in 1 week.

Thinking of trimming all his leaves and stuffing him in a brown paper bag and hanging him to dry for a week and then transfer pollen to a plastic tub then throw him in a river like an unwanted puppy...

What do you guys think?
Your right I've got a BB#3 that I crossed with a GG#4 and the seeds are black but I'm not going to mess with her until she's about to die the longer u can wait the better.But I'd like have her out of my tent I would take her outside but I'm afraid a theif may find her here where I live or a tweekers and I'm not in shape now to go lay in prison because I'd kill someone I caught them messing with my shit they can grow like me not steal shit..
Aslong as there is white pistils she can make seed but kaya is right . u want white furry buds w lots of pistils. Take ur target female and put her w the dude. The male will drop loads of powdery looking pollen when hes ready. After they hook up keep that bitch alive until the seeds are splitting outta the calyxs and it looks like its gonna die of old age. Longer u let it ride the better the beans will be as far as development.

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