Grow Mediums f6 does what f6 does ;)

Day 64 (yesterday)

f6 is not particularly amused by the girls.. molasses seems to be helping but it bottoms out my pH (on the weekend was the first time I've checked it this grow haha!)

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Ruby tops!

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Citris Noir!

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Citris Noir stacking nicely!

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Spiritwalker is foxing... Grrr

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Spiritwalker still bulking!

Steady as she goes.. time to plan for the finish

Looking great f6! Very solid grow for that new light. Trichs look on point, and that foxtailing just happen she in some strains when the light is that intense.
The finished product will be top quality I think. Nice work my friend!
Looking great f6! Very solid grow for that new light. Trichs look on point, and that foxtailing just happen she in some strains when the light is that intense.
The finished product will be top quality I think. Nice work my friend!

Thanks mate! Kind words :pass:

I can be cocky but in all honesty I'm like a cat on a hot tin roof a lot of the time!

It blows me away the precision I have with this system/rutine.
An eclectic mix of nutes, a mismash of hydro style and systems.

I'm guestimating nute ratios and concentrations. Evap vs nute uptake to within 0.05EC per 10L or 20L recharge.

Using un bubbled tap water which I haven't checked pH at all until I introduced the molasses, looks like 30ml recharge in 10L every 2 days at the moment.

And basically the only problem I've had is runaway stretch, (learning to train and stress the girls + more air on canopy seems the fix)

A bit of taco but that's definitely light intensity due to parablolic light frame.

RH and temp almost perfect all the way, I read the need for defol and RH/temp fall in line. I am at times top of their temp range.

It's odd because I can't grow a plant in soil or outdoor to save myself (not entirely true..) I work in engineering which is pretty removed from anything organic.

Not negative but they are a bit oily/waxy vs Frost, that's coming good tho and maybe 3 weeks left in them even?

I'm lazy, reckless and unpredictable but manage such smooth grows.

I'm not neat or deliver a lot of finesse either..

Not trying to be a smart ass, I just seem to be fairly lucky!

It "Totally confuses me" why I don't seem to have issues when so many do..

Pretty set on breaking out of my comfort zone and doing COBs and a new nute line over summer (which will be a challenge)

:headbang: grow bros and girls!

(I see you lurking @Eclectic Elle :bighug:)

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Damn, I go away for a few weeks and come back to find you've blown up your tent. Nice work.

Best way to be :d5:

Thanks and your tip on the corex shit is like one of those awesome suggestions!

Will def use it, and I bet it gets my roots pumping in the tray.


Rep? yep!


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Thanks and your tip on the corex shit is like one of those awesome suggestions!

Will def use it, and I bet it gets my roots pumping in the tray.


Rep yep!


What tip? I missed It...:idea:
What tip? I missed It...:idea:
Page 4, I can have algae blooms in tray based on foliage coverage. (Not bad for the plant but can clog shit up etc)

The open areas in my flooded tray at certain times during my grow encourages algae. @Sage suggested the plastic Coreflute material to make cutouts and keep the light out.

I'm lazy, it's been an issue I've never fully resolved but using the Coreflute/Corex material is ideal!

Thanks Sage! Perfect easy fix!

Thanks mate! Kind words :pass:

I can be cocky but in all honesty I'm like a cat on a hot tin roof a lot of the time!

It blows me away the precision I have with this system/rutine.
An eclectic mix of nutes, a mismash of hydro style and systems.

I'm guestimating nute ratios and concentrations. Evap vs nute uptake to within 0.05EC per 10L or 20L recharge.

Using un bubbled tap water which I haven't checked pH at all until I introduced the molasses, looks like 30ml recharge in 10L every 2 days at the moment.

And basically the only problem I've had is runaway stretch, (learning to train and stress the girls + more air on canopy seems the fix)

A bit of taco but that's definitely light intensity due to parablolic light frame.

RH and temp almost perfect all the way, I read the need for defol and RH/temp fall in line. I am at times top of their temp range.

It's odd because I can't grow a plant in soil or outdoor to save myself (not entirely true..) I work in engineering which is pretty removed from anything organic.

Not negative but they are a bit oily/waxy vs Frost, that's coming good tho and maybe 3 weeks left in them even?

I'm lazy, reckless and unpredictable but manage such smooth grows.

I'm not neat or deliver a lot of finesse either..

Not trying to be a smart ass, I just seem to be fairly lucky!

It "Totally confuses me" why I don't seem to have issues when so many do..

Pretty set on breaking out of my comfort zone and doing COBs and a new nute line over summer (which will be a challenge)

:headbang: grow bros and girls!

(I see you lurking @Eclectic Elle :bighug:)


Oh stop it bro! You took the time to study up a touch before you started, you gave the girls a nice place to grow and they are growing nicely as a result. A lot of the problem for new growers is that they don't study up before jumping in.
Then you can't be lazy after that, and most of them are. They don't take the time to monitor anything, use cheap materials, and again, don't take the time necessary. You do my friend. Don't be so modest. It's not that it needs to be complicated at all, it just needs discipline on your side and a little knowledge.

We can all grow great buds relatively easily if we do that. It's a weed for crying out loud! It should grow anywhere if conditions are half ok.:bravo:
The open areas in my flooded tray at certain times during my grow encourages algae. @Sage suggested the plastic Coreflute material to make cutouts and keep the light out.

I'm lazy, it's been an issue I've never fully resolved but using the Coreflute/Corex material is ideal!

Thanks Sage! Perfect easy fix!

Ok, cool. That is a good idea.
I have to put these little ring covers around the little pots I have in the center. I feed all plants from botton after week two, but that leaves the nutes in the tray under them exposed to light, so I just cut out some rings I wrap around and cover trays so light doesn't get in. An effective bottom feeding system for about one quarter the price of an Autopot.
Still waxing lyrical..

pH holding a little low at 5 - 5.5 so not adding any molasses any time soon.

The seemed to like the half a jar I've put through so far but steady uptake has again swung to a small EC increace.

Inefficient pH is what I suspect after 1 week or so, it's also a sign I guess that they are slowing down on nute needs as they enter final weeks.

As I have a preggo girl in there I'm taking them as far as I can I guess.

The foxing on SW is annoying but at least she is doing it in all directions not just the tops.

CN is plumping and frosting very well, she was giving me most concern on time and filling out, so while she may not produce like SW, she looks like she may be the primo smoke out of the 2 Sati's!

Ruby is eating herself more than the others but still bulking.

Starting to do my pull test on the colas!

Basically I just grab a stem and pull back and watch the rebound!

As they reach full potential the wobble stays static instead of increacing from day to day. That combined with EC data, leaf and trics helps with any decisions in the last week's.

If I chop 3 weeks on Sunday it will make for a Day 85 harvest.

I also get fucking nervous around this time and until they hit jars of course...

So currently,

Dank = happy
Size = pleased
Trics = melancholy
Terps = pleased
Bulk density = ambiguous

Smells and odurs I am hopeless at until harvest, the Dank overides for me during growth and I don't handle them much.

I might get some indicators but the terps again tend to overide and I loose the profile before I can identify it.

Obviously some strains can bowl you over or if the tent has all the same strains but not this grow I guess. I'll find out at the chop and in the jars!

Need to find a good organic PK or may try and find some other sugar source to raise brix in the final stages, somthing more pH friendly!

Also nervous as the carbon filter not coping with the dank and Mrs f6 is loosing her shit over it..

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