Grow Mediums f6 does what f6 does ;)

Missed my midweek update, Sundays will have moar impact!

So, towards the end (it's only day 59, but I guess I'm lucky these girls are scheduling well!)

So about 4 weeks out I usually do a full nute change, tone down the N a lot and boost the microbes.

I haven't used molasses before but have some here..

Anyone care to chime in on dosage etc?

All my nutes are 'organic based' the FloraNova is organiclly derived with added CalMag and work with my microbes, as is the Floralischious, Bud Burst and Bio Diesel.

My res and tub are far from "sterile" and has a bit of resident algae going on, I've never worried about it much unless i get big sheets of it clogging squirters or pumps. (Def using the coreflute next time! Have some cardboard that I'll use temperary until the end.

So assuming I'll go for another 4 weeks from Sunday makes for a 79 day finish!

Never can quite tell of course!

Ruby has 2 pregnant branches, she may be finished in multiple cuts, Spiritwalker may finish early! And CN later..

I have a stratergy for my flush/finish ritual if (which it looks like) I have staggered harvest..


Piccies on Sunday!

Day 64 (yesterday)

f6 is not particularly amused by the girls.. molasses seems to be helping but it bottoms out my pH (on the weekend was the first time I've checked it this grow haha!)






Ruby tops!


Citris Noir!


Citris Noir stacking nicely!


Spiritwalker is foxing... Grrr


Spiritwalker still bulking!

Steady as she goes.. time to plan for the finish

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