Thank-you @The Elvis !!! This lil girl is the 3BOG you convinced me to keep. She looks fantastic compared to what she has the past few weeks, but has been odd from day one. Missing and deformed leaves as well as that yellowing around the edges. I'm not surprised that you don't recognize her. She's come a long way! I document all my feeding and watering daily, but am not following anyone elses schedule this grow. I also thought it looked like cal mag. Thank-you for taking a look! I'm anxious to hear your thoughts.
She has 9 fingers?? neat!! id up the cal mag plus now that there over 25 days and are not that small, id up their feed just a bit because i see no tip burn they are wrinkled and to lime.. all that means is there hungry.
up the feed just a bit not to much.. Push em push em push em!! those are really gonna be nice!! FYI get them darker before bloom or its gets hard!!!