Hey girrrrl.
Having a right nightmare trying to get photos at the minute. Combination of shit SD card in my phone and shit SD card in digital camera means unable to get pictures for you lovely people. You'll just have to imagine at the minute, I'll take the tablet in on Friday and try that.
She's got pretty big, although a week or two behind on flowering. She's had to be tied up somewhat, as she was pressing up against either side of my tent (1.2m wide), so she's probably around a metre across now with a much more even canopy. Last feed with Canna tonight too, moving on to Growers Ark which are made in Sheffield over here in UK. I've heard great things... Also changed from PlantMagic MagneCal to some other brand that I forget right now, but apparently its got lots of extra funky shit in there.
Keep on keeping on.