Stark Raving Sane
Are you using LED?Thanks D. After you and I talked about JH stalling out, I gave her straight tap water for about a week. When I noticed buds starting to gain size, I gave her 1/2 strength nutes for a bit. She is back to plain tap, as of 3 days ago and I will definitely get a decent harvest from her.
As for the comp. I'm happy with her overall but, like any overprotective parent, I am concerned with the necrosis. I'm on the fence, as what to do...aside from feeding with correct PH. Do I add no more calmag, as I am almost positive there is plenty in the medium, just not being absorbed, due to low pH. Or, do I still add calmag, at a much lower dosage?
Last dose of calmag was 3.25ml/L, up from 3ml/L previous feeds. I have soft water but that has to be more than enough!
From what I've seen, with the cal/mag, the amount you're giving her should be decreased once you get into flower but the frequency should increase. I wouldn't let her go more than 3 days without it... Disclaimer: I'm new to growing pot!