Thanks D. After you and I talked about JH stalling out, I gave her straight tap water for about a week. When I noticed buds starting to gain size, I gave her 1/2 strength nutes for a bit. She is back to plain tap, as of 3 days ago and I will definitely get a decent harvest from her.
As for the comp. I'm happy with her overall but, like any overprotective parent, I am concerned with the necrosis. I'm on the fence, as what to do...aside from feeding with correct PH. Do I add no more calmag, as I am almost positive there is plenty in the medium, just not being absorbed, due to low pH. Or, do I still add calmag, at a much lower dosage?

Last dose of calmag was 3.25ml/L, up from 3ml/L previous feeds. I have soft water but that has to be more than enough!
Are you using LED?
From what I've seen, with the cal/mag, the amount you're giving her should be decreased once you get into flower but the frequency should increase. I wouldn't let her go more than 3 days without it... Disclaimer: I'm new to growing pot!
Thank you Dudeski!
She has been getting more than recommended calmag for weeks now. At the rate it is spreading I think she's gonna have to spend the night in the infirmary.
I was reading up on dolomite lime and apparently it's a pH buffer, as well as calmag supplement. So, if my pH flux suspicions are correct in locking out calcium then that should help. And if she really needs an ungodly amount of calmag, well, I guess I'm covered there too.

Before I make any decisions, I will send her to the sick girl room.

Are using tap water ? If so you must half recommend dose

Check out www.Powderfeeding.Ch
Green houses keep it simple nutes, check what they say about calcium and magnesium
Are you using LED?
From what I've seen, with the cal/mag, the amount you're giving her should be decreased once you get into flower but the frequency should increase. I wouldn't let her go more than 3 days without it... Disclaimer: I'm new to growing pot!
Yeah, I am. Buuuut, I have yet to figure out if white LED requires the extra calmag as the blurple. I sent that question to the LED room and it seems nobody knows. Or it's a secret and Yeatster has to figure it out on his own.
Are using tap water ? If so you must half recommend dose

Check out www.Powderfeeding.Ch
Green houses keep it simple nutes, check what they say about calcium and magnesium
Thanks for your input German.
I would have loved to keep it half strength. Lol. The only times I have raised dose is when I see more symptoms. It has stayed relatively in check until a few days ago. Right now it is creeping up to the sugar leaves. Not good!
Hmm i think your nute lockin rather then calmag issue

Edit: was told by afn team more times then less when people think they have a calmag issue, its not
Hmm i think your nute lockin rather then calmag issue

Edit: was told by afn team more times then less when people think they have a calmag issue, its not
My thoughts exactly!
Everyone keeps saying more calmag supplement, or ride it out, shell be okay. I have NEVER heard of anyone using as much calmag as me. I'm breaking the wrong record! Hahaha.

Anyway, she's in the infirmary now. Thanks all, for your help. Mucho appriciato ito
Yeah, I am. Buuuut, I have yet to figure out if white LED requires the extra calmag as the blurple. I sent that question to the LED room and it seems nobody knows. Or it's a secret and Yeatster has to figure it out on his own.
I can tell you :pass:
... The rate that plants absorb and utilize nutrients it affected by the actual spectrums of light that the plant receives. Plants grown under LED tend to use calcium, magnesium, and iron at a faster rate. Iron is not affected nearly as much as calcium and magnesium, but it's enough to notice. Which light do you have her under?
I can tell you :pass:
... The rate that plants absorb and utilize nutrients it affected by the actual spectrums of light that the plant receives. Plants grown under LED tend to use calcium, magnesium, and iron at a faster rate. Iron is not affected nearly as much as calcium and magnesium, but it's enough to notice.
Kewl beans Eye. Shanks!!!!
So, what does that mean for cob "white" lights, which I have???