Indoor Enter The Dutch Dragon + Automaria

Nice work Kudo! Looking great dude!
Subbed and looking forward to more updates!
Ok every one some new up dates with some pictures,ok its day 24 for the Automaria and she show us her sex now and looking wonderfull,the DD are at day 18 and the other is at day 13 are looking so nice,so im hopeing in the next week or so they be showing they sexy too,im going to keep them all under my 250w veg light till they all showing they sex,then i well chang my light to my bloom lighting,iv just pick up a bottle of Advanced nutrients Liquid carboload which i be using thought the flowering to help them thought why they are stitching,the Automaria well be getting it fist feed around day 32,
This is the feeding chat I be using on my grils.
1 day of flowering > water
3 days of flowering > BioBoost (Canna)
5 days of flowering > water
7 days of flowering > BioFlores (Canna)
9 days of flowering > water
11 days of flowering > BioBoost (Canna)
13 days of flowering > BioFlores (Canna)
15 days of flowering > water
17 days of flowering > water
19 days of flowering > BioFlores (Canna)
21 days of flowering > BioBoost (Canna)
23 days of flowering > Liquid guano (25ml per litre of water).
25 days of flowering > Flush. Autos are ready usually after 35-40 days of flowering, so best thing to
do is observing the plants and making a decision based on it,as iv used Organice feeds and if it
needs a mini flush later on I would give them one,
so form day 25
26 day of flowering > water
27 days of flowering > water.
29 days of flowering > water
31 days of flowering > water
33 days of flowering > water
35 days of flowering > water
...and soon harvest...
so till my next up dates i leve you with some picturs
IMAG0895.jpgAutomaria after iv lst again and cut a coulp of leaves so the light get to them buds
IMAG0899.jpgDD on day 18IMAG0900.jpg
IMAG0902.jpgDD on day 13
So till later Peace KUDO
Wow that Automaria looks crazy for day 24! Beautiful ladies you have here!
Looking great Kudo! Thanks for including your feedung schedule, that helps us noobs out alot. Your girls look so perfect and symetrical! Im on board for this grow :smoke:
Ok all just a quck up date on me girls and boy,to day i cut down one of my fist DD it was show hes nuts off after 18 days i could not work it out at fist but by day 20 yes he had to be chop,here some picture
IMAG0942.jpgas you can see for the top of crown baby nuts in there hard to see but they there
IMAG0944.jpgin this picture you just see the nuts come out,
Anyway he now on hes way to a better place :cry:,But the show still well go on :D,in the next 5 days i should no if the other DD is a girl or boy,me Automaria is doing so nice and the LST as work just a teat, on me next update i but some pictures up,so as iv lost my DD today, iv thought i teat my self to one of Stitch Mi5 bean and it a feminized as well,so till me next up dates :peace: