Indoor Enter The Dutch Dragon + Automaria

OK all just to keep me thead going and show you all me new updates,ok it day 20 for the Automaria iv just LST her to day,she looking very nice,the Dutch Dargon is on day 14 the baby one on day 9 both are looking very nice and very dark green the both be LST at some pont,so till then heres some pictures,
IMAG0881.jpgok this the Automaria after me LST her.
IMAG0878.jpgAutomria LST
Dutch Dargon
IMAG0880.jpgIMAG0879.jpg so till later
liking the automaria like no other brother and that dd looks perfect :peace:
Thanks Asi,they start to look very good the DD im looking forward to see how they do,the Automaria is doing so good iv just grow them so i no wat they like so this time i thought i LST her,not sure how the DD well do under a lst,but i sure they do just nice by the look of them both,ok till later
Peace Kudo
Subbed bro! I'm late as usual! You know me! :toke: Great start! Looking forward to your work bro! You always got some great stuff going on!