Indoor Elle's Experiments

Yeah a few of them Magic strains get big n tall n danky lanky n shit.LOL

@Eclectic Elle Thanks!! yeah they werent bad at all.Grow those guys some months back.Witch doctor and bubba trouble were the two best.although I bet that voo doo was da bomb but its got jarred too wet so it tainted the smell n tastes of it.real shame but..Thanks again.
@Eclectic Elle Thanks!! yeah they werent bad at all.Grow those guys some months back.Witch doctor and bubba trouble were the two best.although I bet that voo doo was da bomb but its got jarred too wet so it tainted the smell n tastes of it.real shame but..Thanks again.
Hey there @Eyes on Fire ...[emoji481][emoji482]

So u had a little damp weed in the jar... That sucks. That musty dank smell...
I've done it before myself it happens.
But I found a better way to dry my stock and hold on to my product for many months.
I studied Greenhouse grow methods from Greenhouse seeds.
Where you dry your product in the same matter that you normally would. Hanging it until dry getting a little bit crisp.

And then.... stick it in a paper bag or paper bags.
I stick mine in small paper lunch bags about 2 oz in each. Then I take all my bags put them in a large box then tape it shut. Sometimes I throw some extra brown paper in the box just to help keep the moisture out and check them every once in awhile but you can store up to 6 months like that no problem.
In fact the Greenhouse guys recommend drying in the paper bag for 6 months before you even smoke it anyways.
I never make it that far[emoji12] usually with me LOL.. but it's always good consistent reliable way to store and dry weed. Its always very moist and has retained all of it smells and its flavor I never lost any of it.
I started doing this practice couple of years back and just fine that it work awesomely and you can take it out and put in jars but for storing it it's just the bee's knees.
well just my two cents worth for you buddy. [emoji482]


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