Indoor Elle's Experiments

Just a little update. Everything seems OK so far. First up, an overview.

2 litre pop bottle babies:

White Widow by herself in the bodged water farm thing.

I still have an empty Autopot which I haven't decided what to grow in and I haven't started the Night Queen yet. I had another go at Experiment 1, which I'm going to call 1a.
Looking good so far mate and what a lovely tidy looking setup ;) Not sure if she was started earlier than the others or the top left 2L is beasting ahead of the rest. Look forward to seeing the Night Queen is just something about the auto girl that is telling me she's gonna be a good one, smells just like PVA glue at the moment reminds me of primary school lol.
Looking good in there, fruity chronic juice is def one to consider, has a real old school chronic taste. And it's a big producer.

Excited to see what you do in a 2l with the modified Wilma, that's what's interesting to me here
Looking good so far mate and what a lovely tidy looking setup ;) Not sure if she was started earlier than the others or the top left 2L is beasting ahead of the rest. Look forward to seeing the Night Queen is just something about the auto girl that is telling me she's gonna be a good one, smells just like PVA glue at the moment reminds me of primary school lol.
Cheers man! The top left of the pop bottles is the Zambeza Vanilla Ice. I'm looking forward to giving her the full treatment this time round. I tried growing her in Tenerife and cut too early so this one's going allll the way LOL. So far she likes the Mega Crop - I went by their calculator for the starting dosage so my 5 litres of water got 2.65g. It's not an ideal amount of water in the res as it makes it pretty noisy when it's running, but i'm too lazy for the most part to change res so i've just given them enough to get by. And I forgot to pH it too LOL but I'm only human. I can't even blame being stoned...

I could start Auto Night Queen at the same time as photo, but I haven't made my mind up yet.

Looking good in there, fruity chronic juice is def one to consider, has a real old school chronic taste. And it's a big producer.

Excited to see what you do in a 2l with the modified Wilma, that's what's interesting to me here
Thanks Free Flow! FCJ is one for a future grow, as I can really only do one photo plant this time round due to the bigger tent being full of autos LOL.

Yeah I just thought why not, for the 2 litres. It's just a bit of fun after all, and I may get a few grams off each. It's my first time using Mega Crop so we'll see. The Wilma's a great reliable bit of kit though!
Cheers man! The top left of the pop bottles is the Zambeza Vanilla Ice. I'm looking forward to giving her the full treatment this time round. I tried growing her in Tenerife and cut too early so this one's going allll the way LOL. So far she likes the Mega Crop - I went by their calculator for the starting dosage so my 5 litres of water got 2.65g. It's not an ideal amount of water in the res as it makes it pretty noisy when it's running, but i'm too lazy for the most part to change res so i've just given them enough to get by. And I forgot to pH it too LOL but I'm only human. I can't even blame being stoned...

I could start Auto Night Queen at the same time as photo, but I haven't made my mind up yet.

Thanks Free Flow! FCJ is one for a future grow, as I can really only do one photo plant this time round due to the bigger tent being full of autos LOL.

Yeah I just thought why not, for the 2 litres. It's just a bit of fun after all, and I may get a few grams off each. It's my first time using Mega Crop so we'll see. The Wilma's a great reliable bit of kit though!

That works out at about the same as were i started off at 0.52g/L except i was at Week 2 when i started feeding, they seemed a little pale after a while at that amount so upped it to 0.78g/L(3.9g/5L) after a few days and stayed there till start of Week 5, got upto 1.1g/L(5.5g/5L) by the end of late veg/stretch but as they started to slip into flower this seemed a touch too much on N, backed down to 1g/L(5g/5L) since and so far heading towards Week 7 holding that amount and looking good so far.

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